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Group 1

  • Which issues would we focus on?
  • Personal Internet Hygiene
  • Identity
  • Data portability
  • Privacy
  • Use of user-generated content on social networks, etc
  • Control over mobile platforms
  • Diversity (truly public spaces where people can interact online)
  • What’s the internet equivalent of recycling?
  • Personal Internet hygiene
  • Providing argument maps (structured comprehensive way to see the arguments and supporting evidence around certain issues) on major issues thereby helping consumers make informed choices about the Internet and how they use it.
  • Where are we in the ecosystem of ‘open web groups’?

Because of the positive nature of our mission, the environment analogy may be failing us here. Mozilla would be the positive portal to the web, providing connections to other groups as well as to our own community.

  • What’s our scope? Just the app and content layer? Or also the pipes?

Our scope to are the applications and content, rather than the pipes

  • Do we focus on legislation? Market? Action? Consumer awareness?

To start we focus on market, action and consumer awareness. Consumer awareness is the key first step to help people realize that "keeping the web awesome" is not something that can be done passively.

  • How is this different in different countries?

Local groups would be able to customize argument maps to include local examples and enable local action relevant to their government

  • What is the structure of the ground game? Mass membership?

The legal structure of Mozilla should remain very high level, enabling grassroots organization based on geography or mutual interest.

  • Where does the money come from?
  • The money comes from community and mass participant donations
  • Local campaigns supported through regional fundraising opportunities (like local stores, events, etc)
  • Third-party organizers
  • Donations made to a specific movement on the web (Kiva for the open web)
  • Can we position as offense rather than defense?

Positioning Mozilla as "Keeping the Internet Awesome" is a more sustainable position as a cause. Being defensive and rallying around one cause is problematic as what do we do once the problem is solved and we have tied all of are brand awareness/equity to the problem?

Group 2

  • Which issues would we focus on?

Funnel map 1 = Consumer awareness 2 = Thought leadership 3 = Action

Undeniable bucket

    • Data portability (of information about yourself and of documents) (1, 2)
    • Identity (1, 2)
    • Security (1, 2, 3)
    • Security skills (being safe on the net) (1, 2, 3)
    • Privacy of actions on web (1, 2, 3)
    • Proprietary technologies (silverlight, flash...) (1, 2)
    • Browser specific extensions to HTML (1, 2)
    • Codecs (1, 2)
    • Software patents (1, 2, 3)
    • Mobile ecosystem (1, 2, 3)
    • Open web as concept (1, 2)
    • Making the right open choices / Open digital skills (1, 2, 3)
    • Aggregate data / who has rights, what does it mean... (1, 2)

Middle bucket

    • Botnets, etc as exploiting users
    • Threatening legislation (3 strikes...)
    • Privacy from network snoopers (1, 2, 3)
    • Privacy policies

Infrastructure issues

    • Digital divide
    • Net neutrality
    • Censorship
    • Open spectrum
    • Local loop unbundling

Which of these related to product and which are undeniably supported by community?

  • What’s the internet equivalent of recycling?

Small, understandable, makes a difference (does it also include something you do once or several times a day?)

    • Security skills (check website identity, don't click on attachments from people you don't know...)
    • Proprietary technologies and browser specific HTML extensions are developer focused
  • Where are we in the ecosystem of ‘open web groups’?

Position ourselves as an individual 'environmental' organization but we also need to define the environmental movement of the web.

  • What’s our scope? Just the app and content layer? Or also the pipes?

Working assumption is that we're at the web layer, not whole internet. But the current big issues are at the pipe level and that's how we could raise our visibility and visibility of other issues at web layer that will become big issues tomorrow.

  • Do we focus on legislation? Market? Action? Consumer awareness?

All of them in some cases.

  • How is this different in different countries?

Amount of effort involved is going to change determining on local conditions (ie, easier to work within small country than with EU).

  • What is the structure of the ground game? Mass membership?

  • Where does the money come from?

  • Can we position as offense rather than defense?

Yes. Positive rather than negative.