Releases/Firefox 3.5.2/Test Plan:l10n

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« Firefox:3.5.2:Test_Plan

L10n Testing

This is a quick spot test on Firefox 3.5.2 L10n builds. This is done by running the Litmus l10n-localization test suite on a locale and platform. A subset of the P1 locales is used on each platform.


  • English (en-GB)
  • Chinese (zh-CN)
  • French (fr)
  • German (de)
  • Japanese (ja and ja-JP-mac)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Spanish (es-ES)
  • Chinese (zh-TW)
  • Czech (cs)
  • Danish (da)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • Finnish (fi)
  • Hungarian (hu)
  • Italian (it)
  • Korean (ko)
  • Portuguese (pt-BR)
  • Russian (ru)
  • Spanish (es-AR)
  • Swedish (sv-SE)

Firefox Results

  • P1 Locale: <locale>
    • Build ID: <user-agent> (from about:)
    • Result (either PASS or FAIL)

l10n RC1 Spot Checks

Windows Vista (tester)

  • P1 locale: de
    • Build ID:
    • Result: result Results in Litmus

Windows XP (tchung)

  • P1 locale: pl
    • Build ID:
    • Result: result Results in Litmus
  • P1 locale: es-ES
    • Build ID:
    • Result: result Results in Litmus

Mac OS 10.5 (tchung)

  • P1 locale: fr
    • Build ID:
    • Result: result Results in Litmus
  • P1 locale: ja-jp-mac
    • Build ID:
    • Result: result Results in Litmus

Linux (tchung)

  • P1 locale: zh-CN
    • Build ID:
    • Result: result Results in Litmus
  • P1 locale: pt-BR
    • Build ID:
    • Result: result Results in Litmus