JRSL Chile

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Mozcampchile shirtfront.jpg
Mozcampchile shirtback.jpg

This is the wiki page for a two-part Mozilla sponsored conference for the Mozilla Hispanic Community:


Mozilla is organizing a two-part conference for the Mozilla Hispanic Community:

  • Mozilla Hispano Camp (October 5-6 2009)
  • Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre (JRSL) 2009 (October 7-9 2009)

Both events will take place at la sede Santiago Sur de INACAP (Universidad Tecnológica de Chile) in the city of Santiago, Chile. Information in this document can be displayed in either english or spanish (preferably, both). Feel free to use the language you're most familiar with.

Communities invited:

MozCamp Chile

Our goal is to bring together the Mozilla Hispanic community for two days to discuss how to improve and continue developing the community as marketshare and mindshare continues to grow.

MozCamp Chile will be a two day conference focusing on community development, l10n, marketing and add-ons. Please take a look at the schedule for additional details.


Day 1: Monday, October 5th

Time Slot Topic
09:30 - 09:45 Welcome Talk by Sarah Doherty and Rodrigo Garcia
09:45 - 11:00

Community Lightning Talks.  Each community will give a short talk (5-10 minutes) on what they are currently working on.  We would like to hear from: Firefox Chile, Mozilla Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, México, Bolivia, Paraguay and Perú.

11:00 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK
11:15 - 11:45 Making an Impact through Mozilla Community Marketing by Sarah Doherty
11:45 - 12:15 AMO, Add-on Developers and Editors by Jorge Villalobos
12:15 - 12:45 Get Involved with Mozilla and QA by Juan Becerra
12:45 - 13:00 Fennec Overview by Daniel Mills
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 - 14:30 Labs Update by Daniel Mills
14:30 - 16:00 Community Sessions: Miscellaneous
16:00 - 16:15 COFFEE BREAK
16:15 - 17:15 Open Discussion: How can we collaborate to localize more add-ons? Moderated by Chris Hofmann and Seth Bindernagel
17:15 - 00:00 Mozilla Rocks Santiago! 
Join us for dinner at Los Insaciables (see information in dinner section)

Day 2: Tuesday, October 6th

Time Slot Topic
09:30 - 10:30 Keynote - The Amazing Growth of Firefox by Chris Hofmann
10:30 - 11:30 L10n Tools Technical Demo by Seth Bindernagel
11:30 - 11:45 COFFEE BREAK
11:45 - 13:00 Community Sessions: Mozilla México, MiniLitmus
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH
14:00 - 14:30 Local Community Building: European Examples (Construir una comunidad Mozilla local: ejemplos europeos) by Pascal Chevrel
14:30 - 16:00 Community Sessions: Marketing and Community Development
16:00 - 16:15 COFFEE BREAK
16:15 - 17:15 Open Discussion: Organizing Spanish Localizations - How can we make it easy for users to know differences?  Moderated by Chris Hofmann and Seth Bindernagel
17:15 - 00:00 Mozilla Rocks Santiago!
Join us for dinner at Eladio Restaurant (see information in dinner section)


Rooms and equipment furnished by INACAP (Universidad Tecnológica de Chile) free of charge.


  • How do we organize so many Spanish localizations. How to make it easy for users to know differences between localizations. Do we need just a es-Latin American and just modified search engines? (Only one localization, and then have a country option like ubuntu installation process?)
  • How can we collaborate to localize more add-ons?
  • How can we have more Spanish documentation about the process of creation of add-ons and projects code (like Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.)
  • Can we have a Mozilla Store with shipping process for Latin America?

MoCo Talks

Community Talks

Talks will be around the following subjects and will be either 15 or 30 minutes. 
. Please note that due to time some talks may need to be shortened to fit everyone in.

Marketing and Community Development

Name of Presentation Description Community Presented By

15 or 30 Minutes?

"Firefox en la Escuela" Back to School Project

Mozilla México
Ricardo Meza
15 minutes
Drumbeat - What Is and What Could We Make in Hispanic Communities

Mozilla Argentina

Localizing "Mozilla": Beyond Documents and strings

Mozilla Perú
Percy Cabello
30 minutes
Model Development for Firefox Communities in Peru

Mozilla Perú
Daniel Yucra Sotomayor
30 minutes
Firefox Chile Love! "No Funciona" Project

The "No Funciona" project is about a platform which the users can use to compliment the websites that do not meet Internet standards.  The platform will be a place where webmasters can find guides to develop sites, focusing on a free, open and accessible Internet.
Firefox Chile

Francisco Collao - RoDrigo Garcia

30 minutes
Open Local Experiences: sharing the nitty-gritty of spreading Firefox in your local community

Mozilla Perú
Percy Cabello
30 minutes
Mozilla Hispano: A overview. Past, present and future
More than just a presentation, this could be a talk to discuss how we (as spanish speakers) could share knowledge and organize talks.
Mozilla Argentina && Proyecto NAVE
Guillermo Movia && Guillermo López
30 minutes


Name of Presentation Description Community Presented By

15 or 30 minutes?

Localizing Mozilla in America, Lots of Languages

Mozilla México
Ricardo Meza
30 minutes
File:Mozillamexico mozcamp chile 09.pdf
CAT Tools and the Localization Process
A brief outline about CAT tools and their implementation in the localization process.
Mozilla Argentina
Pamela Gulijczuk (via Skype)
30 minutes
MiniLitmus - When Users Knowledge are Basic
Little tool to test localization and other stuff in a simpler way than Litmus
Proyecto NAVE (Mozilla Spain)
Guillermo López
30 minutes (with demo)


Name of Presentation Description Community Presented By

15 or 30


Firefox Multitouch
The current status and the goals of the multitouch project
Mozilla Brasil
Felipe Gomes
15 minutes
SVG & XBL for web development
(In English or Brazillian Portuguese)
I will talk about these W3C and Mozilla technologies, respectively, and how they can be used to create modern web-apps/addons.
Mozilla Brasil & Inkscape.org
Felipe Sanches
30 minutes
Mozilla Bolivia
I will talk about the new Mozilla community in Bolivia, and our current and future projects.
Mozilla Bolivia
Hugo Acosta

FirefoxPy - Mozilla Paraguay inside

I will talk about the community in Paraguay, 2 Firefox L10n Guarani (gn) in process, and future Paraguay Spanish (es-PY), also new outreach projects.
Mozilla Paraguay
Eduardo Urcullú Madrid
15 minutes

Wanted to show the state of TagVisor project - a social-based context-aware coreography engine for RSS and Widgets.
Taboca Labs - Brazil, Mozilla Brazil
Marcio Galli and Felipe Gomes
30 minutes


For anyone that is interested we will be streaming the event:  http://www.ustream.tv/channel/mozchile09

Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre (JRSL)


One of the newer open source and free software conferences in the Spanish speaking community, expecting 1500-3000 attendees in 2009. The conference is run by Chilean open source community organizations, one of which being Firefox Chile.  We will be there to improve visibility of Mozilla Hispano in the Open Source Community and try to recruit conference attendees to the project.

The event this year will be divided into three topics:

  • Society - On the Society axis we’ll talk about the Free Software as a social phenomenon: this is, as a cultural product that is made, distributed and used by people on a social environment.
  • Technical - On the Technical axis, we’ll speak about the Free Software such as a scientific research object or as in technical implementations.
  • Enterprises - On the Enterprises axis, we’ll speak about the Free Software used on enterprises, succesful cases, business models based on FLOSS solutions, promotion and sales, etc.


Registration is free.  Your name is already in the system and you can pick up your badge on Wednesday, October 7th when JRSL starts.


Three day conference with 2 Mozilla keynotes (by choffman and seth), 4 Mozilla talks.  The tracks are:

  • Técnica
  • Sociedad y Educación
  • Otras
  • Empresa
  • Talleres

To see the different activities of this congress please visit the JRSL Programa:


This year the JRSL will be realized in Santiago de Chile, at Santiago Sur campus of INACAP, Vicuña Mackenna 3684 (Metro Line 5, Camino Agrícola station). More information here (including a Google Map). Once you reach the campus there will be signs for where JRSL will be taking place.


We need people to volunteer their time to work at the booth.  Please sign up!


(7 de Octubre)

(8 de Octubre)

(9 de Octubre)

9:30 - 11:45

1. Hugo Acosta






11:45 - 14:00







14:00 - 16:15

1. Percy Cabello






16:15 - 18:45







Mozilla Talks at JRSL

There will be a number of sessions by Mozilla employees at JRSL.  Talks will be 45 minutes long plus a 15 minutes question and answer session.  Please come and show your support!

Time Slot Topic Presenter
Wednesday, October 7th
16:30 - 17:30
Mozilla Labs Update
Daniel Mills
Wednesday, October 7th
17:45 - 18:45
Keynote: Mozilla: Firefox, the Open Web, and the Community...
Seth Bindernagel
Thursday, October 8th
14:00 - 15:00
Mozilla Community Marketing: Past Present and Future
Sarah Doherty
Friday, October 9th
16:30 - 17:30
Local Community Building: European Examples
Pascal Chevrel
Friday, October 9th
10:45 - 11:45
Mozilla QA
Juan Becerra
Friday, October 9th
17:45 - 18:45
Keynote: The Amazing Growth of Firefox in South America
Chris Hofmann

Additional Events


Let's continue the momentum of each day into the night with a chance to get together and socialize, build friendships and understand our new knowledge.  Dinners will be paid for by Mozilla.  Let's meet at 20:15 each night in the Hotel Diego de Velazquez hotel lobby so we can walk over as a group.  All reservations will be under the name, Mozilla.


Time Restaurant Name
Restaurant Address
Sunday, October 4th
20:30 (8:30PM)
Olivas Restaurant

Hotel Diego de Velazquez

Monday, October 5th
20:30 (8:30PM)
Los Insaciables
Andres Fuenzalida 40, Providencia
Tuesday, October 6th
20:30 (8:30PM)
Eladio Restaurant
Av. 11 De Septiembre # 2250 Piso 5
Wednesday, October 7th
20:30 (8:30PM)
Av. Providencia # 1984
Thursday, October 8th
20:30 (8:30PM)
Olivas Restaurant

Hotel Diego de Velazquez

Sunday Night Dinner

For everyone that is in town let's have dinner at Olivas Restaurant in the Hotel Diego de Velazquez at 8:30PM. If you can attend please write your name here: (25 spaces available)

  1. Rodrigo Garcia
  2. Francisco Collao
  3. Sarah Doherty
  4. Felipe Sanches
  5. Guillermo Movia
  6. Marcelo Poli
  7. Hernán Rodríguez Colmeiro
  8. Jorge Villalobos (probably late)
  9. Juan Becerra
  10. Hugo Acosta Ortega
  11. Emilio Sepulveda
  12. Eduardo Escarez
  13. Julián Ceballos
  14. Daniel Yucra
  15. Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva (friend of Felipe Sanches - will pay on my own)
  16. Felipe Gomes
  17. Marcio Galli
  18. Enrique Guadalupe Rodríguez Ramírez
  19. Ricardo Meza(I'll arrive late)
  20. Javier Martinez
  21. Daniel Mills
  22. José Lecaros
  23. Patricio Pérez

Monday - Thursday Night Dinners

Just show up!

Firefox Party

This will take place on Friday October 9th in the Club Ambar. We'll share the happiness of a amazing week from the 21.00 hrs to 5.00 of the Saturday 10th. Make sure to reserve your energies to enjoy a huge party.

This club is very close from the hotel (5 minutes walking), so relax and enjoy the party!

Party is invite only and due to space and financial constraints reserved for MozCamp and JRSL staff.  Your name will be on a list before entrance to Club Ambar.


You can consult the participant's list.  Everyone (community members and employees) are encouraged to fill in their description.

Mozilla Corporation

  • Chris Hofmann is director of engineering and Special Projects at the Mozilla Foundation and Corporation, Chris Hofmann has spearheaded the research and development work of thousands of open source contributors around the world.  Chris helps to build and strengthen the Mozilla communities around the world that are involved with localization and release of Firefox in to over 70 languages, extend Firefox with Add-ons, and provide support to Firefox users. He engages with security researchers to help improve browser security, and works on a variety of mobile initiatives using the Mozilla technology. He is also interested in engaging, helping, and promoting the work done in companies and large institutions to deploy Firefox and Mozilla technology in a variety of ways.  (Full Bio here)
  • Seth Bindernagel is Director of Localization at Mozilla. Prior to working on localization, he launched Mozilla's Community Giving program, which empowers Mozilla community member and helps amplify their contribution by providing strategic support. He went to graduate school at Berkeley. He presently lives in San Francisco, California.
  • Juan Becerra works as a quality assurance engineer at Mozilla, and has been involved in the project for a few years, testing different products and projects, maintenance and security releases, as well as new features testing, among others.
  • Pascal Chevrel manages web localization (worldwide) for Mozilla and community growth in Europe. He is also the a press spokesperson for the Spanish market. Pascal is also a contributor in the French and Spanish communities as member of the Mozilla Hispano and MozFR projects.
  • Daniel Mills work for Mozilla Labs, where he is one of the primary drivers for the Weave project. Previously, he worked in the Firefox team on Places and distribution customizations for partners and what later became BYOB. Before Mozilla he worked for Novell and Ximian on GNOME and the Linux Desktop.
  • Sarah Doherty works as a Marketing Manager at Mozilla driving the events program and contributing to the development of new programs in community marketing.  Although Sarah is fairly new to Mozilla, she has been a long time advocate of community and user group development, spending many years working at Apple with User Group and Campus Rep Programs.
  • Jorge Villalobos very recently joined Mozilla as the Add-ons Developer Relations Lead, in charge of listening to the needs of add-on developers and managing the AMO Editor community, which reviews add-on nominations and updates before they are made public on AMO. He previously worked for Glaxstar as a professional add-ons developer, working on several projects such as the eBay Companion.

Travel and Accomodations

All travel and accommodation costs for participants who have received a personal email invitation by Mozilla will be covered.  All invited participants will be staying in the Hotel Diego de Velazquez. An email containing detailed information on their hotel will been sent to each invited participant after registration.

Room and Board

Hotel Rooms

Hotel Information

Hotel Diego de Velazquez
Guardia Vieja Nº 150 Providencia
Santiago, Chile
(56-2) 234-4400

Check-in: 14:00 (2:00PM)
Check-out: 12:00 (12:00PM)

Rooms have been pre-paid by Mozilla. Please note that you'll be asked to provide a credit card for incidentals upon checking in.

Room Share

Participants will be asked to share a double or triple room with twin beds. Participants who do not wish to share a room are free to stay in a single room but will be asked to pay for a percentage of the cost of their room.


If you are being provided a hotel room by Mozilla, you have been assigned a roommate in either a triple or single.  If you have any questions please contact Sarah Doherty.

Date In Date Out

Room #1

Marcelo Poli
Guillermo Movia

October 4 October 10

Room #2

Diego Hernan Rodriguez Colmeiro
Daniel Alejandro Yucra Sotomayor

October 4 October 10
Room #3
Lourdes Lorena Castillo Alvarez
October 4 October 10

Room #4

Ricardo Meza
Cristian Julián Ceballos
Enrique Guadalupe Rodrigues Ramirez

October 4 October 10

Room #5

Victor Hugo Acosta Ortega
Percy Cabello

October 4
October 10

Room #6

Fernando Gomez
Pilar García Herrera

October 6
October 10
Room #7 Guillermo Lopez Leal
October 6
October 10

Room #8

Marcio Galli
Felipe Gomes
Felipe Sanches

October 4

October 10



  • Breakfast covered by the hotel (If you are not staying at the hotel you will be able to expense breakfast)
  • Lunch each day furnished by INACAP (you will receive lunch tickets)
  • Dinner will be covered on an as needed basis by Mozilla through dinners.  If you will be going out by yourself for dinner you will be able to expense food.



Ticket Information

Participants flying to Santiago are asked to contact Sarah Doherty as specified in the email they receive after confirming their registration.

Airport to Hotel

You can take a shuttle service to go to the Hotel from the Airport (see Google Map of the route). We recommend you take one of this services:

Tur Transfer

  • Stops: First Level, International Central Hall of the Airport.
  • Phone Number: (56 2) 677 3600


  • Stops: First Level, International Central Hall of the Airport.
  • Phone:(56 2) 677 3000

The average cost for this service is between USD$10 - USD$15


Invited participants who are traveling by train or bus are asked to purchase their own tickets. Mozilla will fully reimburse them the week following the Mozilla Camp.

Participants can take the Subway of the City (Metro de Santiago); the station where the university campus is located is "Camino Agricola" in the line 5. For more details you can see the map next:

In English

En Español

Travel Reimbursement Information

All sponsored participants are eligble for a reimbursement via wire transfer.

  • Please collect all receipts and notate the expense on receipt (e.g. what and who was the expense for).
  • Use Travel Expense Form (PDF ) or (XLS) to list all receipts, including date, type, and amount in US dollars. 
  • Fix each receipt (chronologically) face up on a piece of white, unlined paper with adhesive tape.
  • Scan (or take a photograph) and email the receipt & signed reimbursement form to Sarah Doherty (sarah at mozilla dot com).
  • Please keep your receipts in the event your expense report is lost on our end (this is rare, but keep them to be on the safe side).
  • Please complete the Wire Transfer Information form (PDF) or (XLS) which will allow Mozilla to reimburse you for your expenses through a wire transfer.


Social Media Hashtag

Please use the hashtag #mozchile09 when posting to Flickr, Twitter and other social media clients.  Thanks!


  • Rodrigo Garcia - Cellphone # (+56 9) 9 163 07 47 - rod at firefox dot cl
  • Sarah Doherty (if I can get a phone) #(TBD) - sarah at mozilla dot com

Emergency Information

  • Ambulance:  131 – AMBULANCE (SAMU)
  • Fire Department:  132 – FIRE DEPARTMENT (BOMBEROS)
  • Police:  133 – POLICE  (CARABINEROS)

Extended Stay

Please note that any costs (hotel, food, bus, etc) associated with an extended stay will be at the attendee's own expense.


Santiago has a mild Mediterranean climate: relatively hot dry summers (November to March) with temperatures reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) on the hottest days; winters (June to August) are more humid with cold mornings, typical maximum daily temperatures of 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit), and minimums of a few degrees above freezing. Occasional snowfall occurs in the city, and may extend throughout the city, though this happens infrequently (about every 8–10 years). Mean rainfall is 360 mm per year and is heavily concentrated in the cooler months.

Check out a 10-day weather forecast for Santiago, Chile on weather.com.

Tourist Places to See

Santiago is a very interesting city to visit a look for new experiencies.

Do you want to discover every corner of the city? Do you want live amazing experiences in this jungle of concrete? Visit our suggestions to plan your time here in Santiago.