QA/Firefox3.6/TestPlan:Personas Uplift

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Personas Lightweight Theme Uplift Test Plan

  • Development Status: - In progress (first week of sept to land changes)
  • Feature Testing: - In progress (Fx3.6 work)
  • Team:
 Developer: Dao, Mossop  
 QA: tchung, juanb, Community Volunteer: gmontagu


Integrating lightweight themes into the theme manager for 3.6. The user will be able to update personas themes directly from AMO, and change themes without having to restart firefox. Theme manager will be used to track the 8 most recently used personas themes.

Things We Test

Things We Don't Test

  • work on AMO (webdev qa to test)
  • The range of themes offered by the designer

Litmus Testcase Suite

Test Cases (Draft)

  • Preview a lightweight theme by mousehovering over preview image
  • get themes link in addons manager > themes - link goes to amo page, likely themes
  • installs on top of default theme
  • no restart required - if using a custom theme, then restart is required.
  • prefnames:
    • lightweightThemes.isThemeSelected
    • lightweightThemes.usedThemes
  • Recently used themes applied Test: Anything on the Personas background (uses the personas text color) light color font will have a dark shadow and vice versa
  • Test more for the gray colors (edge cases)
    • Example: ALL 777 theme
  • Test in Full screen mode


  • Test undo a theme
    • Verify the undo button will remove the theme after wearing it, as well as removed from the theme manager list
    • Verify the "Manage Theme" button opens the theme manager
  • Customize toolbar
    • Add multiple icons to expand the toolbar. Verify themes expands to all of the theme area shown
  • Include a user whitelisted site. (, will be whitelisted by default)
    • For non-whitelisted sites, without allowing page permissions, the notification bar prompts to install the theme.


  • Addons manager
    • Personas shows up in the list after being applied instantaneously
    • currently, personas uses cache on shutdown. this may cause slow to shut down. Working on alternative fix for this.
    • an option is to clear the cache on shutdown, so on startup, the image isnt there and can slow performance
    • max of 8 persona themes listed in addons manager > themes - test applying, removing, using themes
      • Verify when adding more than 8 personas, that the personas removed are based on history. Meaning the oldest persona last used will be removed.
    • show icon and preview of the personas theme in addons manager - AMO work: update preview and icon in the themes manager of personas
    • select "wear this" on AMO, and will update the theme to addons manager. User can update personas from AMO as well as theme manager
    • If uninstalling theme from Addons manager, it will disappear from the theme manager, and restore the default theme.
  • Test against Aero Glass on vista. How will it look? (not supported)
  • Post 1.9.2: bug 518468: Undo Theme installation by clicking the "undo" button in the notification bar
Light weight persona examples
  • Evaluate these js into your error console:
    • Example 1: Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = {id:"2538",name:"LOLFace",dominantColor:"#6b6b6b",textColor:"white",headerURL:"LOL.png",footerURL:"LOL2.png"}
    • Example 2: Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = {"id":"34365","name":"A Web Browser Renaissance","author":"Sean Martell","description":"Within the web today, a browsing transformation is underway. We’re seeing constant advancement from the static browsing Middle Ages of old and the ushering in of a new Modern Era of openness, speed and security. Taking advantage of all the glorious advancements this new era has to offer has never been easier with the newly relased Firefox 3.5!","dominantColor":"#f2d9b1","textColor":"#000000","headerURL":"ff35_header7.jpg","footerURL":"ff35_footer10.jpg","previewURL":"preview.jpg","homepageURL":""}
    • Example 3: Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = {"id":"51","name":"Viva","author":"Sean Martell","description":"","dominantColor":"#ffffff","textColor":"#000000","headerURL":"tbox-viva.jpg","footerURL":"stbar-viva.jpg","previewURL":"preview.jpg","homepageURL":""}
    • Example 4: Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = {"id":"2635","name":"Mozilla Firefox","author":"CoreXE","description":"Just a Firefox Persona. :D","dominantColor":"#ffffff","textColor":"#ffffff","headerURL":"firefox_header.jpg","footerURL":"firefox_footer.jpg","previewURL":"preview.jpg","homepageURL":""}
    • Example 5: Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = {"id":"31870","name":"Containment","author":"Digital Blasphemy","description":"Firefox Persona version of my \"Containment\" wallpaper, available at","dominantColor":"#bad6ff","textColor":"#ffffff","headerURL":"containmenthead.jpg","footerURL":"containmentfooter.jpg","previewURL":"preview.jpg","homepageURL":""}
    • Example 6: Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = {"id":"39","name":"Minefield","author":"Mozilla","description":"","dominantColor":"#ffffff","textColor":"#000000","headerURL":"tbox-minefield.jpg","footerURL":"stbar-minefield.jpg","previewURL":"preview.jpg","homepageURL":""}
    • Example 7: Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = {"id":"3469","name":"Abstract Black","author":"Protoss4898","description":"","dominantColor":"#050505","textColor":"#050505","headerURL":"Abstract2.jpg","footerURL":"Abstract2Footer.jpg","previewURL":"preview.jpg","homepageURL":""}
  • To rollback to default,
 Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm"); LightweightThemeManager.currentTheme = null

Personas Extension intregration bugs

  • Verify personas extension works with 3.6
    • "worn" persona should be retained after update
    • interchanging between persona extension and lightweight should not conflict
    • persona extension themes do NOT appear in theme manager
    • installing and removing the extension. Does not affect lightweight theming
    • changing themes on with extension enabled
  • Personas extension Backward Compatibility Bugs:
    • Tracking: bug 521913 Tracking for Personas and 3.6 Compatibility (edit)
    • bug 521857 Editing custom text color does not restore when switching personas
    • bug 522343 With no lightweight themes installed, previewing a persona will bounce screen up a pixel
    • bug 524172 Personas leaves a horizontal toolbar with Multirow Bookmarks toolbar extension
    • bug 524235 installing personas extension over lightweight themes does not update correct textShadow
    • bug 524784 Missing title in first tab with personas extension installed

Personas lightweight bugs

  • Sprint
    • Tracking: bug 511104 Lightweight themes support tracking bug
    • bug 511107 Need a centralized way to assign lightweight themes to XUL windows
    • bug 511108 Need a service that manages recently used lightweight themes
    • bug 511771 Web content needs a way to install lightweight themes
    • bug 516013 Aggressive caching of the current lightweight theme
    • bug 510909 Integrate most recently used lightweight themes into the themes list in the add-ons manager
    • bug 518468 no easy way to undo after installation of a lightweight theme
    • bug 520346 Periodic update check for lightweight themes
    • bug 522571 Link from themes manager to personas gallery
    • bug 523673 Compatibility Reporter pretends to work with Personas
    • bug 522188 lightweight theme install doesn't "stick"
    • bug 521744 After switching away from fullscreen mode the lightweight theme is no longer applied to the titlebar on OSX
    • bug 519486 Some themes are illegible with the text shadow implementation