
From MozillaWiki
Revision as of 17:38, 13 April 2010 by Lthomson (talk | contribs) (→‎laura)
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Open Items



  • Spread Firefox: getting skeen set up for dev
  • Mozilla.com
    • Firefox releases: 3.6.3 (last week), 3.6.4 (this week)
    • Mobile releases: 1.0.1 (today)
    • Mobile device detection: almost finished, lingering questions on requirements, design, and copy
    • Gomez: page performance metrics tool
  • Mozilla.org gettext: still plugging away
  • Interviewed someone, only my second time ever



  • Interviews/Recruting
  • Spark Program - any tips for teaching web dev to 13 year olds
  • Code reviews for Kitsune
  • AMO
    • Minor remora bugs
    • Diagnosing issues Sphinx in production
    • Zamboni Frontend Search - does batched queries to obtain filters - fixes some other longstanding Search Bugs
    • Minor tweaks to Zamboni search form
    • Added a collections index to Sphinx
  • Now: Autocomplete, Meeting with Sphinx this week





Theme: Interruptions of Interruptions - looking forward to stack overflow

  • Socorro 1.6 - unpleasant surprises
    • push was delayed by a release
    • stuff marked as done that wasn't really done
    • dailyUrl report
    • utf-8 problem
    • the Lorentz versions
  • Socorro 1.6.1
    • release this week
  • Socorro 1.7
    • NFS to HBase conversion
    • the OOPP twin crash conundrum


    • Socorro 1.6 shipped (see lars' excellent summary)
    • Scheduled highly limited scope 1.6.1 (things left out, regressions, lorentz overflow)
    • Drafted roadmap
    • Performed terrifying numerical analysis about increase in crash report volume
    • Began enormous triage of all open Socorro bugs
    • Started bug 533489 (tried upgrading kohana), decided to do bug 556828 instead
    • Fixed bug 532851, worked on bug 556888
    • Reviewed a couple SUMO patches and the new New Hire app, need to do this again since skeen decided to port it to kohana


  • Visited Mountain View last week
    • Being there in person sure helps being able to hear on conference calls :)
  • Weave Sync
    • Wrapping my head around registration, installing laptop LDAP, assisting load testing
  • BYOB
    • Building "expert mode" for editing repack distribution INI bug 538615
  • Plugin Directory


  • working on reviewing an AUS patch so joduinn stops pinging me every 2 hours
  • wrapped up summit invite form stuff
  • lots of interviews
  • worked on blocklist process with nick and beltzner
  • got caught up with rypple (sorry about the rypple spam)
  • And... me in 1996







  • AMO 5.8 went out, 5.9 is going out today at 1600
  • I wrote Hera
  • Django accepted another one line patch
  • Hudson is public (thanks shyam)
  • If you've got extra time or want some variety please talk to me about AMO. I've got bugs of all sizes looking for someone to squish them.