AMO:AOM Meeting:Firefox 4

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AMO Project Meeting Details

Thursdays, 2:30pm Pacific, 4:30pm Eastern
1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) or 1-650-215-1282 or 1-650-903-0800
Conferencing Center: x92
Conference ID: 357

May 13th




  • Re-landed on trunk and working through the remaining issues
  • Saw about a 1s Ts improvement for the Fennec guys
  • First startup and migration startup times can be vastly improved




  • General
    • Now that a lot of ui bugs have been fixed, Blair should check the in-testsuite flags. I do not wanna do Litmus work when it can be automated.
  • Testing
    • Started verification of fixed bugs
  • Schedule
    • Planning for exact schedule for the next testday
  • Litmus
    • Starting to add new Litmus tests by next week
Discovery Pane

May 6th


  • Really not much done this week - a few bugs, more to go through



  • The source of the Ts regression has been found, working with IT and Releng to figure out when we can reland.
  • Fixed some of the more obvious functionality errors found at the testday
  • Investigating a couple of bad cases that I can't reproduce yet.




  • Testday
    • Results
    • Successful testday last Friday (55 bugs have been filed)
    • Found blockers for localized builds
    • A lot of ux related bugs have been filed; needs to shrink the uiwanted queue
  • Tests
    • No overall testing this week; waiting for feature re-landing
    • First accessibility tests showed good results
  • Schedule
    • ETA for final design? Wonder if all ux members work together to give any part of the ui the same look; AMO design is made for Mac but not for Windows as all the other designs; makes it hard to compare.
    • As proposed by Mike the search pane should be included in beta 1
  • Add-ons Compatibility
    • Will there be tutorials for Add-on developers to make their life easier in updating their add-ons?
    • Will we have a stable Jetpack API for beta 1 or are other breaking changes expected?
    • Mike wants to see people create Jetpacks instead of oldish extensions for RC1
Discovery Pane

April 29


  • Can we? Pretty please? I'll give you a cookie!
    • Yes, now where's my cookie?
      • Can I have one too? Plz?
  • Mobile has branched - don't need to worry about breaking it now
  • SeaMonkey is shipping an alpha soon (based on trunk). They'd like consideration for holding off til the 4th if we don't land today, but its not a big deal if we don't.
  • Development plans for post-landing
    • Usual file bug, attach patch, get review, land - but on project branch? Or on mozilla-central?


  • Knocking off some ui-wanted bugs
  • Balance time between fire fight & new - what do people need?
  • Starting to work w/Shorlander on final graphics


  • Text describing the Contribute button (ie, its tooltip) - what should it say? (Disclaimer: doesn't actually work yet)
    • Should say "If you enjoy using <addon name>, please consider making a small contribution to the developer"





  • Issues
    • Top Issues
    • bug 554234: We have changed the behavior and only allow one single addons manager tab open?
    • bug 465090: Keyboard shortcut to open the addons manager?
    • bug 562360: Compatibility information for add-ons on are not in sync with public pages (Mozmill Tests)
    • Purpose of "Your Rating"? We don't share ratings? Missing documentation on design docs
    • uiwanted bugs should be processed. We have to many of them.
    • State of a Jetpack example?
  • Trunk landing
    • Needs to have localized nightly builds (localizers will help testing)
    • We have to spin new nightly builds after landing (releng is informed)


April 22


  • Changes to manual update Manual update addons234.png



  • 2 reviews remaining, at least one should be done by the morning, hopefully the other too. Basically ready to land.
  • Next alpha freeze is at least a week away and could be pushed back further at our request.
  • May have to delay landing for the mobile team though.




  • Top Issues
  • Testing
    • Continued testing of branch builds and filed bugs
    • Reduced testdays to only Friday next week
  • Questions
    • What happened with the Get More Extensions/Themes links? We should linkify AMO from within the addons manager
  • Others
    • Please use bug numbers in the commits for your check-ins
    • Henrik is away this Friday and Monday

April 15


- some changes to wiki regarding manual install and checks for updates: link

- don't want to take up time with manual check/install case again unless people are interested, but details are in bugs bug 553503 and bug 553502

- did want to bring up Download Manager changes: Download Manager is becoming a record of all files download, even updates for Firefox and Add-ons. I think this could take the place of an in-addons-manager log. It's already going to be listed within the Downloads Manager, so we'd need to create a second log in add-ons already (can updates be "undone" from Download Manager?)

- just planning hard and soft blocks (two levels, not three) as a third has not been identified as needed. Soft block creates an extra screen in install process explaining risks, hard block shows screen explaining before install. (Question for Nick - should hard blocks be overridden for any case?)


  • First round of reviews done - not expecting anything big from 2nd round
  • Just a few landing-blockers left


  • Main reviews are done. Waiting on additional reviews for a couple of parts from bsmedberg and dveditz
  • Couple of bugs I still need to complete but they should be fast



  • Discovery Pane scaffolding and prototype milestone started Tuesday


  • No updates - waiting for fixes
  • Link to the Blocklist documentation?
  • Plan for trunk merge? Dave will speak to Benjamin about the next freeze.
  • Working through remaining ui-wanted bugs?

April 8


  • Blocklist for next week:
    • Hard block and soft block currently supported, the API would support a third
  • Talked about manual updates, if a log is requires
    • Decided a log is important, and so is being able to easily apply manual updates
    • Requires updated design: current "Updates" pane that shows both could be confusing


  • Lack of progress due to holidays and sickness
  • Initial review went well - almost done and ready for next round
  • Still some blockers left to do (eg, bug 553515, bug 554245, bug 553631, and unbreaking existing tests)


  • Undergoing final round of review for the first trunk landing
  • Couple of small bits and pieces to fix up before that
  • QA have identified some issues and we'll need to prioritize them




  • Top Issues
    • bug 557956: No compatibility updates downloaded when version gets bumped up
      • We should block at least for the compatibility check. Further work can happen after trunk landing
    • Which is the list of blocking bugs for trunk landing?
      • All blocking bugs are handled with the P1 priority flag. There are 61 bugs => Needs re-prioritization
  • Current status
    • Tchung dropped of from testing
    • First draft of the testplan is available
    • More testing on recent branch builds
  • Questions
    • Will/Can the top search bar also search for available addons (disabled checkbox in search pane)?
      • For now, searches will only be run locally. Remote searching will land after the trunk merge. bug 558287
    • Will the new preferences pane break all addons which come with a preference dialog?
      • We will allow existing preferences dialogs; In the list view you can open it via the context menu; Extra button for detailed view?
    • Which features will the search engine pane be able to handle for Firefox 3.7?
      • Work will not happen before trunk landing; All features should be included in the final version; Blair will probably work on it => bug 558289
    • Is there a way to fetch add-ons from AMO without increasing the download numbers?
      • Yes, we should use the preview site instead of the public one.
    • When do we start to support Jetpacks on AMO?
      • Scheduled for same version as the Discovery Pane landing; We could upload Jetpacks to the preview site
    • How many instances of the Add-ons Manager tab do we allow?
      • Multiple tabs per window
    • Can Jetpacks and Personas get blocklisted too?
      • Only Jetpacks
    • Do we have documentation for blocklisting?
      • Dave will find the best docs for me
    • When we could consider to have the first accessibility tests?
      • Probably after landing on trunk
    • When can we walk through all frontend bugs to identify automated/manual tests?
      • Sometime after trunk landing
    • Do we have a final solution about handling add-on dependencies?
      • It will be dropped

April 1







  • QA has to finish work for Q1 goals / security releases
  • Henrik will work on the test plan next week; Date for the test plan review needed
  • Retornam created initial testplan for the Discovery Pane]
  • Testdays scheduled for 04/27, 04/29, 04/30; Wednesday is free to allow Dave/Blair to fix found problems.
  • Next 3.7 alpha is dumped to after the chemspill releases - should we wait with the merge?
  • Discovery pane: which devs will work on the discovery pane? Can we get a tracking bug?
  • Discovery pane: solution yet for opt-in or opt-out for sending information?

March 25




  • Fixing bugs that block Blair
  • Addressing review comments
  • Current estimate is a trunk landing early next week




  • Tony already tested and filed a couple of bugs
  • Henrik stepped through all filed bugs
  • Next or 1st week in April we will enhance the test plan to add more details
  • Start verifying bugs after landing on trunk

March 18


  • Faaborg is keen to explore add-on performance and how to show this in Firefox UI.
  • design


  • Install/update/uninstall/enable/disable done (some tweaks & fixes needed)
  • Catching up with mockup changes
  • Not quite ready for review / m-c landing


  • Still need to add plugins to the API but otherwise all main tasks are complete
  • Restartless add-ons are working!!
  • Bulk of the API work has been submitted for code review
  • Need to talk about Q2 goals


  • Jetpack team wants 'no restart' in some 3.6.* release, mossop is exploring



  • Initial test plan created
  • Proposed to use the [fixed-in-addonsmgr] whiteboard entry for all fixed bugs on the addonsmgr branch A: Yes, its being used now.
  • Links for Prioritized Goals and Redesign Themes should be added as sub pages under the current project page (still on the outdated page)
  • Search results pane is only displayed after a search has been performed? A: Will it get hidden again? yes, it gets hidden.
  • Will the search engine manager now be a part of the addons manager? A: yes.
  • Do we take care about accessibility for the new ui? (marco zehe can help) A: yes, need to have a meeting with Marco at a later time.
  • Is the order of the pane listing on the left side the final one? Shouldn't we order the items from highest to lowest prio, e.g that search pane is not injected in between get addons and languages, which causes other entries to move down. I would like to see a final list and order of those panes. A: Not the final list.
  • Given by johnath the addonsmgr branch should be merged as early as possible to trunk even when QA is not ready with testing. conflict with code freeze for a4? henrik has sent an email to benjamin. A: will not make it into alpha 4. plan is to goto trunk end of next week, but pending early test results.
  • Temporarily tracking top issues here, before bugging them.

March 11




  • Webpage installs hooked up and working
  • Project branch set up and ready to receive checkins for testing
  • Will be doing perf testing over the weekend and planning out the trunk landing next week




March 4




  • Working on installs from webpage, need input from the platform guys.




February 25


Redoing wiki, taking care of some edge cases, specifying how jetpack/extensions and personas/themes work together


Nothing exciting. Solidifying code, enable/disable, etc.


In the process of making installs from webpages work, this is the main blocker I have before we could consider a trunk landing.



  • Updating add-on review process so add-ons can't stay in sandbox forever

February 18



No update.


Considering removing the callback option from InstallTrigger.install



February 11



  • Download progress widget done. Should be possible to do a fancy button -> progress transition.
  • Local search done - including sorting based on relevance to search string
  • AMO search not done - need API support and UX details


No update, no Mossop.



February 4



Working on getting UI up to speed with Boriss' mockups.

Getting it on trunk:

  • Want it on trunk sooner (alphas) rather than later (betas)
  • Project branch
  • Maybe land without major AMO integration? (use followup bugs)
  • UI doesn't need to be pixel-perfect or even finalized (again, use followup bugs)
  • Minimum: needs to be able to manage addons

UI qustions:

  • Discover pane - complement or replacement of Recommended?
  • Want a way to display multiple screenshots?
  • Lots of white-spece between relevant things on larger screens (looks great on small/medium sized screens)
  • Link to AMO developer profiles - what about multiple developers, that install.rdf doesn't list?
  • Detail view at isn't very detailed - only adds screenshot (compared to list view); not much value, no incentive to go there

API questions:

  • Should API be caching remote resources like screenshots?
  • With AMO integration, addons not hosted on AMO will have sub-par experience. add support for additional things like screenshots to install.rdf?
  • Status of install/update stuff?


No update



January 28


  • Been making some changes to the design (not too major), in light of feedback & talks with ux
  • Been answering unsure/unanswered questions, many of which graciously supplied by Mossop (Q&A style going on here.)
  • Rewriting wiki, getting rid of superfluous stuff - want to make it clear what design is current
  • Did random blog post, am getting good feedback
  • On Monday, UX is doing lockin session on Prefs and EM - these tend to be six hour design sessions where we hash out everything, look for dependencies, fight!
  • Items I'd like to discuss:
    • Personas vs. Themes - especially after seeing Personas post mortem, this seems a bit pricklier than I'd even imagined. How are we thinking about these? Is it decided? What do we have to go on before going ahead on a design?
    • Jetpack - where are we now that 3.6 has shipped? Do we know anything new


No update.


No update



  • Question: what is the plan for uplifting personas plus UI into Firefox?

January 21


  • Small changes to existing mocks in wiki, as discussed last week
  • A few new mocks, but not yet on the wiki (bad bad!), will add tonight
  • Looked at notification styles, trying to align what we tell the user and when, and how we can do less of it. Have a working model of omg (priority 1, can't be dismissed), ok (action is required, but not now, and you'll probably do it anyway), and eh (something happened that you don't care about). I'll explain more in the meeting.


No update.


  • Worked on being less restrictive about what html developers can use in their release notes



January 14


  • latest from Boriss, hooray!
  • Nick wants contributions in the mocks, here's some metadata to consider
    • link to contribute going to AMO meet the dev page
    • dollar amount
    • buy vs contribute
  • Feedback from fligtar
    • We can consider getting add-on status data from AMO along with reviews and downloads, and show whether add-ons are reviewed by Mozilla or not reviewed by Mozilla (experimental, self-hosted, and non-hosted add-ons)
    • We should change Recommended to Featured
    • Not a fan of the name Features for add-ons
    • Should be more distinction between My Add-ons and browsing for new add-ons
    • I don't think size information is useful or important to display on every add-on
    • I don't think we need to worry about integrating collections for 3.7. The Add-on Collector will add sections for Personal Recommendations and Collections to 3.7 and we'll be changing the way collections works considerably this year. Perhaps it will be stable enough for core integration for 4.0


Note: That's on OSX. Needs tweaks on Windows (and probably Linux) to make it look not ugly.


  • Produced list of requirements from AMO API
  • Removing support for extension dependencies.
  • Tweaked some of the notifications to better suit add-ons that don't require restarts.



January 7


  • Boriss furiously slapping together mocks, will post to wiki


  • Blair working on initial prototype of EM in content


  • Mossop to provide suggestions for changes to API as we rewrite services.amo


  • Jetpack rewrite happening which will allow authors to write jetpacks and build them into standard extensions


  • AMO being rewritten in Python/Django
  • API update in February will feature add-ons by locale (currently all browsers get the US feed)

October 29

  • Boriss has created mocks to show in content
  • Todo: start looking at how to blend different types of add-ons into a single list, and incorporate AMO metadata
  • Mossop still working on 3.6 blockers, should start work on API stuff next week.
  • Johnath and Gavin coming next week, will sync up on prefs + EM work

September 17



  • Adding rudimentary ways to check for plugin updates to the add-ons manager. See the screenshots in bug 514327. Checking for updates loads a webpage that will explain how to update.

September 10

Design concepts needed

  • Contributions
  • Reviews (both read and submit)
  • Better, friendlier browse experience
  • Personalized Recommendations
  • Performance gauge


  • Will land in 3.6, not in minefield yet. Hopefully we'll be able to see this integration next week


  • We should start having this meeting weekly, and set goals with the intent of including a new add-ons manager in 3.7
  • Naming of the add-ons manager may change with the goal of creating greater awareness of add-ons (e.g. "Firefox App Store")