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Revision as of 00:39, 20 May 2010 by Rdoherty (talk | contribs)
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  • Get # of updates per top 4 plugins during last 12 months - dveditz
  • Test blocking one plugin during FF4b1
    • Identify bugs blocking us from achieving a great user experience when blocklisting a plugin
  • Measure update % of blocklist vs. update checker service. Also measure bounce rate/dropoff - rdoherty + metrics
  • Draft product plan for FF4 and beyond - rdoherty


  • Handoff of plugin checker product management
  • Adobe - don't want to switch over to different installers. Haven't convinced them to switch over to XPI. Don't want silent installs. Installation of plugins are complicated.
  • In PFS - have a hash file of installer, downloads, launches installer.
  • Was Flash in Chrome a custom dll? We should do the same.
  • We have a plugin directory with API and a blacklist. Compare and contrast the two. Appropriate to use the API in Firefox. Scale?
  • Not on AMO b/c of cross browser plugin check.
  • Two backends: Plugin check and plugin blocklist server. Duplicating data.
    • Blocklist data store is just some regular expressions.
    • Plugin directory is list of latest and 'bad' plugins
  • Might want to use FF4b1 to block bad plugins that affect lots of users.
  • Measure impact of blocklist vs. update checker service. % change of vulnerable users. Find % dropoff.
  • Got hammered with hardblock, users ok with softblock.
  • Language of update screen is poor.
  • Tony Chung has screenshots of notifications for blacklist.
  • 3 levels of blocklist
    • Notification - tell user plugin is bad, don't disable
    • Turn off, allow turning back on
    • Turn off, no way to turn back on
  • Reduce clicks and decisions to update.
  • Goal of auto-updating top 4 plugins. Flash, Java, PDF, Quicktime, Director
  • Easier right now to remind people to update. Next is a one click install.
  • Get # of updates per top 4 plugins. Need an idea of how often users will be prompted.
  • Les wants marching orders.
  • Get select group of people involved
  • Test blocking one plugin and make as best experience as possible with a beta.
  • Need info on what all fields are in blacklist table.
  • Next step is working on plugin directory and get vendors. Directory is important.
  • Big impact is in chrome updates.
  • Possibly use AMO as distribution. Could we host their plugins? Or point to their URL?