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1. Mozilla Drumbeat

Overall goal: Introduce Drumbeat to the world. Build projects and community.

Objective #1: Find and support projects that excite us. Mostly from people we don't know yet.


  • Approved budget format for all drumbeat projects (kg)
  • Comprehensive project-based strategic communications plan (NJ)
  • Roadmaps and budgets established for WMM, P2PU, Uni Subtitles (MS,MT,projects)
  • Roadmap and budget for OVC/OVA (BM,kg)
  • Updated P2PU Web Craft description, call for courses posted (PS,PB)


  • x? 'project ideas' for Europe (HM)

Objective #2: Establish events a way to explain Drumbeat, recruit participation.


  • Drumbeat facilitator training in Sao Paulo (June)(AG)
    • Drumbeat Festival theme and date decided, announced (June)(MS)
  • Learning, freedom and the web workshop in Palo Alto (June)(MS)
  • Version 0.1 'Event Kit' complete and on wiki (June)(AG)
  • Follow on events scheduled for Sao Paulo, Toronto, Berlin (AG,NJ)
  • Event resources page complete and on wiki (e.g. slide decks) (NJ)
  • Decide on system to track and engage constituents (kg/po/cn)


  • 10 future events scheduled (AG,NJ)

Objective #3: Build a flexible online platform for Drumbeat projects and events.


  • Beta site released and promoted (June)
  • Assessment of CiviCRM and decision about CRM platform (June)
  • Reliable donations form for T-Shirt campaign (June)
  • All Mozilla dev / staging / production environments (June)
  • Improve site performance for (June)
  • Compelling story and clear participation path for bootstrap projects (June) (MT)


  • Excellent project page for each bootstrap project.

Parking lot:

  • Approved Web Analytics Profiles for Mark and Chelsea (kg)
  • Financial dashboard?? (kg)
  • Proposal for Document Management System for Board wiki (kg)

2. Mozilla Story

Goal: Strengthen Mozilla as a leading public charity supporting the open Internet.

Objective #1: Inspire people to engage and donate to the Mozilla cause


  • Launch T-shirt campaign (May/June) (CN)
  • Launch Lanikai Beach Campaign (May/June) (CN, DB)
  • Drumbeat Newsletters (Monthly) (CN)
  • Second push on Universal Subtitles Campaign (June) (CN)


  • Get to 5,000 total individual donors (yearly target 17,000) (CN)
  • Get to 75K of funds raised from individual donations ( yearly 500K) (CN)
  • Sell 400 T-shirts (yearly target 5000) (CN)
  • Raise 5K for Lanikai Beach (Thunderbird) (CN, DB)
  • Get to 10,000 newsletter signups (yearly target 35,000) (CN)
  • Select a mass e-mail provider with E2 group (CN, KG)
  • Continue transition from Chelsea to Katie overseeing donations infrastructure (CN, KG)
  • Collect good data on all donors (CN,KG)

Objective #2: Explain Mozilla as a cause. Make our story easy to understand


  • Update Our Community page with interactive community map
  • Have resources lined up for all Q3 projects


  • Complete web universe IA project
  • Solidify integration planning
  • Mozilla Annual Report Planning (CN)

3. Mozilla Core

Goal: Find simple and novel ways to make the existing Mozilla community more productive, cohesive and understandable.

Objective #1: Bring new members in to the community


  • Fix 3 (or more?) bugs with Get In Touch form to help contribute group scale


  • Have contribute group respond to ??? inquiries/month

Objective #2: Help existing community members be more productive


  • Get up, assess its current state and produce a plan for the way forward. (GM)
  • Have a clear document defining who owns what module (even if not everything has an owner) and a system for updating it (GM)
  • Bugzilla Consortium text is finalised, and Bugzilla Team is able to begin executing plan (GM, CN)
  • Get Commit Access Policy finally nailed down and implemented (GM)
  • Make "Mozillians" function happen - either with Trellon code or something else. (GM)
  • Make Module Ownership admin system function smoothly. (GM)
  • Get Bugzilla Consortium off the ground and fundraising. (GM?)


  • None