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This is the wiki for Mozilla Drumbeat's P2P University's Open Web Craft Project.

If you want to get involved we recommend joining the Discussion List to find out what's currently going on.

If you're interested in proposing a course idea - you've come to the right place, please add your idea to the wiki page!

Propose A Course Idea!


Courses - Courses proposed for September 2010

Open Web Competency Map - The full range of competencies to be covered by the P2PU Open Web Craft project.

Assessment and Accreditation - Developing an open accreditation model.

Project Roadmap - What Happens Next

Weekly Call

Weekly Call - Get Involved!

join #education on irc.mozilla.org for backchannel chat every Thursday at 11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific, 5PM Central European Time.

To Do

Draft Call For Proposals - Pippa, John by Thursday

Mozilla Summit session  - submitted - but make edits for finalised program

Mozilla Summit lightning talk - John to pitch

Liasing with experts - Pippa / John to divide?

Mapping proposed courses to competencies - Pippa (course leader interviews)

Drumbeat.org page content updated - Pippa (need edit / write access - waiting on Matt / John)