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Batucada is the codename for the software that will eventually power drumbeat.org. Batucada is written in Python, using the Django web framework. The goal of the project is to create a decentralized social web application that will connect Drumbeat users projects, local events and each other. Users will be able to create profiles, connect to other users, create projects, join projects and create events. Batucada will leverage other web applications through integrations whenever possible, using open web standards.

Project Planning


While developing Batucada, we'll be guided by the following key principles:

  • Batucada will be Social. Users and activities will form the core of the experience.
  • Batucada will be Intelligent. The software will be able to suggest connections based on users activities and profile.
  • Data Ownership. The data a person submits to Batucada will belong to them. This means that data submitted by users will be portable and we will always respect users right to online privacy. Users will decide who can see their information.
  • Built on Open Web Technologies. Batucada will be built using the building blocks of the Open Web. We will use Open Web protocols and specifications to integrate with other applications whenever it makes sense to do so.