Drumbeat/p2pu/weekly call/15 July 2010

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Call Details

We have a weekly community call scheduled for Thursdays at 11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific

  1. Canada +1 416 848 3114 Ext. 92 Conference number 7600#
  2. US or Intl. +1 650 903 0800 Ext. 92 Conference number 7600#
  3. US Toll-Free +1 800 707 2533 PW 369 Conference number 7600#

join #education on irc.mozilla.org for backchannel chat.

Agenda items

  • summit recap
  • defining webcraft
  • three

Who's on the call

  • John
  • Mark
  • Philipp
  • Michael (for part of the call)


we didn't take great notes... John is writing this up from memory

What is webcraft

  • Where do we draw the line
  • coming up with a charter to easily point to
    • p2pu brings model
    • mozilla brings subject

How we appear

  • Do people know webcraft is part of p2pu?
  • What is our relation to mozilla

Summit Recap

  • Speed Geek - lots of people came back afterwards
  • Around the summit we had lots of good conversations
  • Working session
    • notes here: [Drumbeat/p2pu/Summit2010brainstorm | Summit session notes ]
    • Course Brainstorming
    • Hard Skills
    • Soft Skills
    • Street-Cred
  • Courses proposed
  • Ideas are definitely taking shape
  • Some skepticism
    • Easy to pursuade