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Draft-template-image.png THIS PAGE IS A WORKING DRAFT Pencil-emoji U270F-gray.png
The page may be difficult to navigate, and some information on its subject might be incomplete and/or evolving rapidly.
If you have any questions or ideas, please add them as a new topic on the discussion page.


  • Changes should follow Style Guide
  • All changes should be accompanied with test (no front-end tests yet)
  • Development should be done on Github
  • Every change should have a corresponding bug in bugzilla
  • Every change should be developed in a specific branch named bug-12345-human_readable where 123245 is a number of the bug
  • There is a number of developers who are able to merge and push from the private branch to the main repository
  • Production branch is for production only and it is merged from devel only

If you have questions, ask in #jetpack on IRC or on the Jetpack mailing list. You may also like to read the Code Workflow document.

How to start

We do work on github, but certainly we don't want to limit the user experience to github only. Feel free to use the server you like the most.

  1. Create github account
  2. Fork from Main repository (it's a temporary setup)
  3. Install FlightDeck on your machine - Install instruction - from your repository, assuming your username is john it is:
    git clone
  4. Add main repository to remote repositories
    git remote add main git://

How to commit

  1. Findor create bug in bugzilla
  2. check if the bug branch is already created, if so - use it to create your branch
    git checkout -b bug-12345-name_of_the_feature main/bug-12345-name_of_the_feature
    else create a new branch
    git checkout -b bug-12345-name_of_the_feature
  3. code
  4. commit changes
  5. push to your repository
    git push origin bug-12345-name_of_the_feature
  6. provide the link to the commit in bugzilla
  7. switch back to master branch
    git checkout master

If this is a fix to the current production system and it has to be implemented immediately please use the hotfix prefix instead of the bug one. Like hotfix-12345-name_of_the_fix.


Please always add --no-ff if using git merge