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This page contains a listing of Addons, Utilities, and other applications that can integrate with Bugzilla. If you know of something that's not listed here, feel free to add it (this is a wiki after all). If it doesn't fit in one of the existing categories, feel free to add a new category.

Remember, nothing listed here is officially recommended by the Bugzilla Team (nor are they necessarily not recommended), so use these at your own risk. This is just a collection of things we know about or that people have told us about or posted here.

End-User Utilities

Desktop Clients

  • Deskzilla (website) - Deskzilla is an alternative Bugzilla client. It is a desktop application with interactive user interface and unique capabilities that are a valuable addition to the feature-rich web-based Bugzilla software.
  • Bugxula (website) - Bugxula is an extension for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape that provides a GUI interface to several features in Bugzilla.

Browser integration

  • view bug attachment source (website) - Greasemonkey script for Firefox adds a "source" link next to the mime type of attachments, except for text/plain attachments such as patches, allowing you to view the source of an attachment that would otherwise crash Firefox when viewed normally (such as testcases).

IDE integration

  • Eclipse Bugzilla (website) - This plug-in integrates Bugzilla bug tracking into the Eclipse workbench. The approach for integration is a light-weight one, the web interface is used to handle common tasks and provide easier access using an Eclipse UI. The web interface is integrated in Eclipse via the SWT browser widget.

IRC client integration

  • Bugzilla Linker (website) - script plugin for the Colloquy IRC client (for Mac OS X) to link bug numbers mentioned in IRC channels and open Bugzilla bugs from the input line.

Project management software integration

  • JujunieIntegration (Freshmeat project page) One of the integration modules in this application updates a Imendio Planner file with the time tracking information held by Bugzilla. It also updates the bugs deadline according to the project plan, and generates a mail report with a set of warnings highlighting inconsistencies between the Planner file and Bugzilla.

Server-side Utilities

Integration with other web applications

  • Zimbra (website) - Zimbra (an email/groupware product) has a Zimlet which will show bug information and hyperlink to Bugzilla when bug numbers are mentioned in their webmail app. (corrections to this description welcome, I haven't actually seen it - if you can verify it, remove this parenthetical :) )

Integration with Source Code Management programs

  • p4dti (website) - The Perforce Defect Tracking Integration (P4DTI) connects your defect tracking system to Perforce, so that you don't have to switch between them and enter duplicate information about your work. It also links changes made in Perforce with defect tracker issues, making it easy to find out why a change was made, find the work that was done to resolve an issue, or generate reports relating issues to files or codelines.
  • SCMBug (website) - Scmbug is a system that integrates software configuration management (SCM) with bug-tracking. It aims to be a universal tool that will glue any source code version control system (such as CVS, Subversion, and Arch) with any bug-tracking system (such as Bugzilla and Mantis).
  • CVSZilla (website) - CVSZilla is a small piece of Perl-glue to integrate CVS, Bugzilla and CVSWeb or ViewCVS with each other.
  • BugzillaPublisher (website) is a CruiseControl publisher. CruiseControl is a continuous integration tool. BugzillaPublisher performs following steps:
    1. Get all modifications in the modification set
    2. For each modification, extract the modification comment (aka CVS comment)
    3. Extract bug number and comment using a regexp (by default "Bug [\d+] - .*")
    4. Push a comment directly on the bugzilla database for the bug number. The new comment contains : "CruiseControl project name" + "build number" + "build date" + "commit comment" + "modified filenames list

Test case management systems

  • Testopia (website) - a web-based test case management system that works as an add-on to Bugzilla.

IRC Bots

Bots that can inhabit IRC channels and announce bug changes and/or perform queries

  • BZBot (direct download) - announce bug changes and perform simple milestone-based status mini-reports.
  • BZBot-bgo (direct download) - GNOME's modified version of BZBot
  • MozBot (web site) - MozBot is a general-purpose IRC bot with lots of addon modules. It ships with a module for Bugzilla that lets you perform queries against your Bugzilla and also can announce bug changes. On irc.mozilla.org we no longer use bzbot, because this module can do most of what he used to do, but if all you want is bug change announcements, MozBot might be overkill. Note: The tarballs of MozBot on the FTP server as of this writing are VERY outdated, and do not contain a working Bugzilla module. You must check MozBot out of the Mozilla CVS repository to get a working Bugzilla module.

Data harvesting

Scripts and utilities for getting useful data out of Bugzilla

  • Bugzilla Changelog (web site) - generates changelogs for a product based on bugs resolved fixed against a specific target milestone.
  • JujunieIntegration (Freshmeat project page) One of the integration modules in this application generates a report based on time tracking information in Bugzilla, allowing you to know the time spent by a set of users in a range of time, summarizing the hours worked by users and by days.