QA/Talkback/Reproducing Crash Bugs

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One of the toughest challenges with Talkback data is finding smart ways to use all the information availabe to help reproduce crashes that others have experienced.

There might be a few "Topcrashers" that some people will discover easily, but many of the crash bugs in Bugzilla are very difficult to understand without actually seeing it yourself. Therefore, we need to find specific steps to reproduce crashes or develop simplified testcases to help ourselves and the developers debug those crashes.

With the community feedback from bugs and in Talkback data, we hope to use Bug Day to get more eyes on those tricky bugs and see if a few people can find ways to easily reproduce those crashes.

Common Bug Queries

Low Hanging Fruit

  • Bugs with crash, topcrash, and testcase keywords
  • Bugs with crash, testcase keywords

Higher Priority

  • Bugs with crash, qawanted keywords

Difficult To Reproduce

  • [need testcase] or [need to reproduce]

Talkback Reports