Calendar:Landing Schedule

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Due to the code freezes for Lightning 0.1 and Sunbird 0.3a2, there are currently numerous patches that have been approved, but have not yet landed. Because landing too many patches at the same time can cause problems when tracking regressions, this schedule aims to help minimize future problems by organizing the landings of these bugs, now that our part of the tree is unfrozen.

Rules to keep in mind when scheduling:

  • Bigger patches have higher priority than smaller ones
  • Always check with the tree sherriff before landing anything
  • Balance risk over the checkin days
  • Several localized risks in different areas are ok.


Day 1: bug 314291 Incremental refresh for the unifinder high
bug 267789 Sunbird: Provide Dom Inspector and Javascript Debugger (venkman) extensions CHECKED IN n/a
bug 331026 toolbar - default settings icons and text small
bug 334417 Use $(SUNBIRD_VERSION) rather than `cat /moz.../version.txt` in Makefiles small
bug 335127 Month view doesn't update when calendars are deleted/unchecked moderate
bug 336678 Events sometimes pasted to the wrong day moderate
bug 321134 Make Next/Previous menus sensitive to current view small
bug 336045 Undeclared variables endDate, testDate in calDateTimeFormatter.formatInterval trivial
Day 2: bug 331788 CalExt-only files should not be packaged in calendar/resources/ when Sunbird is built moderate
bug 334070 Views don't care about mBatchCount moderate
bug 332732 Unable to vertically resize the task box small
bug 326935 depress view toolbar button shifts everything below toolbar a pixel down trivial
bug 259131 ability to have an event repeat at the end of every month small
bug 332414 Improve publishEntireCalendar() to ask user for calendar if no calendar is specified small
bug 336167 Make it easier for extensions to add providers small
bug 336941 this.mCalendar undefined in calItemBase for new event trivial
Day 3: bug 322124 Event is not shown in horizontal day/week view on first try moderate
bug 333686 new task dialog has "not specified" status but its "% completed" textbox is editable small
bug 329642 'All occurrences' vs. 'This occurrence' dialog should be cancelable moderate
bug 325103 List of possible properties in getProperty documentation in calIItemBase erroneous moderate
bug 183396 Disallow users to delete main calendar small
bug 280728 calendar names with special characters are left url encoded small
bug 333375 Task tooltip displays priority as number and not as string value small
bug 326270 In some cases, calWeekTitleService might get wrong results moderate
Day 4: bug 333372 Title of multiweek view includes one week too much small