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Current Release Schedules
Thunderbird 3.2 Thunderbird 3.1.5 Thunderbird 3.0.9
To Be Announced
  • Code freeze: Sept 30 @ 23:59 PDT
  • L10n freeze: Oct 3 @ 23:59 PDT
  • Builds start: Oct 4
  • QA with builds start: Oct 5
  • Beta period starts: Oct 6
  • Final release: Oct 19
  • Code freeze: Oct 1 @ 23:59 PDT
  • L10n freeze: Oct 4 @ 23:59 PDT
  • Builds start: Oct 5
  • QA with builds start: Oct 6
  • Beta period starts: Oct 7
  • Final release: Oct 19

Thunderbird Meeting Details :

Remember to press *1 to unmute yourself before talking!


Action Items

Friends of the Tree

Thanks to our Friends of the Tree When adding someone to this section, please get their T-Shirt size and send it to so that he can send them a shirt!

Conversion Funnel (Priority 0 side project)

Thunderbird Development

Feature Work

Account Provisioner:

Pluggable Mail Stores:


  • Up next: Thunderbird Conversations (formerly Gmail Conversation View). Currently ironing things out with clarkbw and andychung before cutting a 2.0 release. [protz]
  • Updates for Mailing List Manager, Contacts on deck.
  • Sync Add-on further out.
  • On schedule to release an add-on a week for the next month or so


  • 3.2 currently planned to be released from a comm-1.9.2 branch
  • Waiting for account provisioning discussions to progress and FF 4 status before making decision on if/when to cut it.

Trunk Development

Thunderbird Stability & Security Releases

Major updates to 3.1
  • Now have over 70% of ADUs on 3.1.x.
  • Working on getting Thunderbird 2 updates fully unthrottled (they had been on a 1 in 4 pings would get an offer).

QA Updates

Marketing Updates

Infrastructure Update

Build / Release Update

Web Update



Lightning Updates

Status Updates

See the Mozilla Status Board for status updates specific to developers.

Roundtable Highlights
