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Revision as of 15:13, 3 December 2010 by Pipstar (talk | contribs)
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= School of Webcraft - Run in partnership between P2PU and Mozilla Drumbeat =

P2PU is an online community of open study groups for short university-level courses. In partnership with Mozilla Drumbeat we're developing theSchool of Webcraft a community providing people  with better ways to learn open web skills and get recognition for their work.

We use this wiki for planning and collaborating. Content here changes frequently. Be Bold and help us reach our goals by editing the wiki where appropriate.

More About the School of Webcraft...

Get Involved

  • If you want to find out more about the project the first thing you should do is to join the Webcraft Community List.
  • Participating on our community calls is also a great way to find out what's currently going on.
  • If you're interested in proposing a course idea you can send an email to the Webcraft community list, or by creating an account on the P2PU site and following the prompts to create a draft course.  We recommend that you find out more about running a course by readign the [P2PU Course Design Handbook]
  • If you want to help out with specific tasks, please check out our TODO List and volunteer your expertise and time!

Community Call

Mailing List


More information

One-pager - The P2PU Webcraft story on a single page.

Courses - Courses proposed for September 2010 (this list is updated frequently)

Course Announcement Draft - Course announcement draft (September 2010)

Timeline - Key dates until launch of first courses in September 2010

What we teach: Open, Standards and Web technologies - Defining what we mean by open technologies, what standards we are referring to and where does the web end and begin.

Project Roadmap - A short and compelling roadmap that covers what we plan to achieve by September, the end of 2010 and in 18 months.

Planning GridMore detailed roadmap and workplan. In spreadsheet form. This is mostly for internal use.


Mozilla Summit session notes (photos) and here (as text)

Different versions of the official logo are at http://groups.google.com/group/p2pu-open-web/files

Naming Conventions

Events / Workshops

Publicity Materials

To Do

We're using this list as a hopper to get people going on tasks from week to week. After our weekly calls we'll add action items attached to people who commit to getting things done or without an assignee for items that we need help with. At the end of the week we'll revise and move the completed tasks off the list.

Check out the list, and get involved!