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These are the various communication channels used in the Thunderbird project. Please add them all here, so that we can have some kind of a portal to point people who want to get involved with the project to.

How to subscribe

Newsgroups are accessible through a newsgroup client (hum, let me think about one, oh yes, Thunderbird), and all of them are accessible as google groups or through a mailing list service. All of the items marked as newsgroups are listed here, so head over there to get the relevant information to connect!

If you're a user

  • GetSatisfaction A user-centric forum where you can get help and help other people. Mozilla Messaging officials read this forum and might help you with your issues.
  • SuMoMo An official "knowledge base" where you can find quality articles about various Thunderbird topics.
  • MozillaZine knowledge base A community-maintained Knowledge Base with excellent articles about possibly more specific and/or technical topics.
  • The FLOSS Thunderbird Manual An entire manual which helps you learn about Thunderbird.
  • (newsgroup) The support newsgroup for Thunderbird
  • MozillaZine forums Other users hang out here and discuss nightly issues, new extensions...

If you're interested in the project

  • tb-planning A low-volume, high signal-to-noise-ratio mailing-list that's devoted to high-level Thunderbird topics.
  • Planet Mozilla Messaging Thunderbird team's various blogs.
  • Twitter You might want to follow these people: Standard8, lhirlimann, andreasn, bwinton, dmose, asutherland, rtanglao, mozjonathan, mixedpuppy, jrburke, clarkbw, davidascher
  • Planet Mozilla Might be worth a read as well.
  • Mozilla Wiki This includes various general information about the Thunderbird project. You might want to read the Thunderbird/StatusMeetings, they give weekly status reports about how various projects are moving.
  • We also have experiments, so don't forget to check out Thunderbird/Experiments)

If you're a tester

Ludo please fill this section. tb-testers, etc.

If you're a developer

  • You WILL want to hang out on IRC, especially in the #maildev channel. There lies the answer to all of your questions. Plus, the guys are generally friendly. Just ask, and be patient, not all people live in the same timezone.
  • (newsgroup) If you have questions related to extension and/or Thunderbird development, you'll probably find some help here. Also used to discuss various user-related topics/questions.
  • (newsgroup) For extension development. Might be better to also post to m.d.a.t if you have a Thunderbird question.
  • The Mozilla Developer Center. Don't waste time, just go to the juicy bits.
  • Has some links too
  • Bugzilla is where all the stuff happens. If you're interested in some feature or some development, don't hesitate to CC yourself to the bug if you're interested, and please do check out this hilarious video tutorial about how Bugzilla works, it's really worth it.