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This schedule is now locked down. Do not edit unless you are a speaker adding more information.

When Title Description Speaker
Sat 13:00-13:15 Mozilla in 2011 Welcome address and brief presentation of why the web is going to rock in 2011 Tristan Nitot
Sat 13:15-13:45 Mozilla Foundation Foundation update Gervase Markham
Sat 13:45-14:15 Firefox 4 Firefox 4 is a huge jump in the evolution of the browser. Find out why. Brian King
Sat 14:30-15:00 In-tab UI (status, plans, and experiments) Robert Kaiser
Sat 15:30-16:15 Moving to the client - HTML5 is here In this talk Chris Heilmann and Robert Nyman will de-mystify some of the rumours around HTML5 and show you just how many tasks of day-to-day app development can be done by the browser for you rather than having to write all the code by yourself. Life as a front-end developer is much easier than you think - if you keep up-to-date and embrace the movement that wants to make the web an easier and faster place for all. Robert Nyman and Christian Heilmann
Sat 16:30-17:15 SUMO — How Mozilla supports 400 Million users with 4 employees This talk will be about how we support 400 Million users with 4 employees, by including our community contributors and giving them the right tools on hand. It will give a high level overview of how support is handled by one big open source project, featuring our own tailormade software Kitsune, and covering the four pillars, written docs, public questions&answers, personal problem solving, and outreach. Kadir Topal
Sat 17:15-18:00 Analysing Crash Data, and How You Can Help. A review of the current process and tools we use to look at crash data and make products more stable. I'll also share some plans for improvements to Socorro and talk about how you can get involved and contribute in a variety of ways. Chris Hofmann
Sat 18:00 Room closes at 18:00
Sun 09:30-10:15 XULRunner Applications Instantbird and Conkeror — A view from the authors Florian Quèze and Axel Beckert
Sun 10:15-10:45 about:volunteers ++ It's not a secret that most of contributors to the Mozilla projects are volunteers. Read more.. Bogomil "Bogo" Shopov
Sun 11:00-11:30 Messaging / Thunderbird General Thunderbird/Messaging update. What's going on with Thunderbird. What's going on with raindrop and other experiment Mozillamessaging is working on. Ludovic Hirlimann
Sun 11:30-12:00 Using Gloda to extend Thunderbird In this talk, I'll show how to build innovative and powerful extensions with recent versions of Thunderbird. The Gloda infrastructure that was introduced in the 3.0 series has matured, and is now a choice API for extension authors. It allows for powerful, Thunderbird-wide queries, and abstracts away the internals of the message representation. Other efforts aim to provide a standard library to perform common tasks: sending a message, performing various operations on messages... I'll demo a few extensions as well. Jonathan Protzenko
Sun 13:00-13:30 Fighting I/O: a story of Firefox startup speed improvements Cold startup is the first experience a user has from an application, so you'd rather make it fast. Unfortunately, a lot of different things get in the way, from filesystems to toolchains, even including binary formats. This talk will explore various sides of the problem, and introduce some of the techniques implemented in Firefox 4.0 and in the works for subsequent major releases. This talk will cover some of the tools developed or used by Mozilla to improve Firefox cold startup, and some upcoming toolchain improvements. Mike Hommey
Sun 13:30-14:00 Mozmill Crowd - A change in how we test Firefox Mozilla QA has created a new feature called the Mozmill Crowd Extension that allows any Firefox user to automatically and effortlessly run our set of basic Mozmill functional test cases against their installed Firefox browser and report the results to our central reporting server. Any user in any locale can now participate in giving us valuable feedback on how their browser is operating in their environment. Mainly targeting the thousands of Firefox nightly testers, this extension will give Mozilla unprecedented insights on how a particular nightly build is working across the globe. In this session we will describe and demonstrate how the extension works, what data is collected from the tests and how the results are reported and analyzed Henrik Skupin
Sun 14:45-15:30 Lightning Talks Talk list - add your own! Open to all
Sun 16:00-16:30 WoMoz - Women and Mozilla What has happened in the last year? And a discussion of what is to come. Delphine Lebédel
Sun 17:00 Room closes at 17:00 for final keynote