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Matthew Gertner <>

I'm the Chief Technology Officer of AllPeers. Besides handwaving and pontificating, I serve as our principal liaison for all things Mozilla. My responsibilities in our development team relate primarily to our resource management (with heavy use of RDF) and database (mozStorage and SQLite) layers.

Unit Testing

I've written a simple unit testing framework called FoxUnit that runs hierarchical unit tests and provides visual feedback about success and failure. I'm hoping this will evolve into something more sophisticated and broadly usable, perhaps by integrating with other projects like JSUnit. I gained quite a lot of experience with multithreaded JavaScript as part of this project, since I wanted the test progress to be updated in real time as the tests run. I've been planning for ages to write an article for Devmo on this topic. I also want to get some of the threadsafety patches from biesi and timeless into Bugzilla, since otherwise there are a lot of voluminous console messages during execution about such-and-such not having the THREADSAFE flag set in its nsIClassInfo.

System Tray Icon/Notification Service

I've extended some work by Mook and glazou for displaying a system tray icon from Mozilla-based apps. It's still very preliminary but I'm hoping it will evolve into a generalized service for user notifications, with broad multiplatform support.

Logging and Diagnostics

One of our biggest challenges is diagnosing problems, especially at remote user sites. Ideally we would like to find a generalized solution that will work for other Mozilla-based apps and that plays nicely with the future fix for bug 228205. I've written up some thoughts on this topic.