Releases/Thunderbird 3.1.10

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Thunderbird 3.1.10 is a stability update to Thunderbird 3.1.x


  • Overall lead: Standard8
  • Web pages lead: rebron
  • Release notes lead: rebron
  • Build lead: gozer
  • QA lead: _Tsk_
  • l10n lead: TBD



The following schedule assumes no significant issues between beta start and final release.

  • Code freeze: TBD
  • L10n freeze: TBD
  • Builds start: TBD
  • QA with builds start: TBD
  • Beta period starts: TBD
  • Build 2 starts: TBD
  • Build 2 Beta period starts: TBD
  • Final release: TBD

Bug Queries

See 3.1 Branch tracking page

Significant Notes

Build Revisions

Build 1