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Meeting Details

  • 11:00am PDT (18:00 UTC)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 866 216 2181 (or +1 303 228 0514)
  • join #bonecho for backchannel


  1. Bon Echo Beta 1 Post Mortem
  2. Bon Echo Beta 2 Status
    1. Long Poles
    2. New Areas of Concern
  3. Any Other Business

Bon Echo Beta 1

buglist: Firefox 2 Beta 1 blockers

  • can these be marked fixed, or retargetted at the next milestone if they're still relevant?
  • the builds were ready to go early in the morning, the holdup was the release notes and announcements; this is good news, but we need to get better at that cycle
  • also, a huge shout out to our l10n teams - this is the first time we've released a beta in all tier1 locales!

Release notes and download pages

  • major thanks to reed and sgarrity for the work on the download page which we can re-use for beta2 and future alpha/beta releases.
  • the pages created by bug 344128 need some JS help, see bug 344551 if you would like to lend a hand


  • early feedback was positive
  • what else have you heard?

Bon Echo Beta 2

buglist: Firefox 2 Beta 2 blockers

  • if you want something in beta2, nominate the bug as blocking-firefox2? or blocking1.8.1? and set the target milestone as Firefox 2 beta2 or mozilla1.8.1beta2; drivers to triage the list daily from here to beta2 release (note: no target milestone means that it's not blocking that target)

Schedule Review

  • August 1: code freeze
  • August 2-7: beta rcs, qa, l10n-qa, release notes
  • August 8: planned ship date

Long Poles

Visual Refresh

  • there is now a preview available of the visual refresh work to be done
  • need help on implementation effort (mconnor, kgerich, ben, pamg, joe?)
  • tracking bug is bug 328065

Tab Overflow

Spell Check

  • need the bug number for this one

Pref Panel

  • original design landed on trunk for testing and feedback
  • new design (result of after-meeting discussion last week) patch posted with all (I think) issues resolved is posted in the bug
  • patches in bug 340677, currently blocked by bug 344651
  • (notes on stuff to address: Clear Now and the dialog, groupbox in Clear Now, separator in Security)

New Areas of Concern

  • Removal of DOMI (un-specific rumblings of replacement with FireBug)... hard to do properly.
  • any new bugs / showstoppers / emerging long poles

Any Other Business