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Firefox 4.0.1 (launched April 28): User Feedback Update


2.0 planning page


  • Axel opened the fennec localization dashboard on aurora, and opened sign-offs, too. Those will be for fx5 beta.

Release Engineering

  • RelEng still unable to post Fennec to marketplace; need to resolve before Stuart vacation
  • investigating change-of-plan for faster cadence; previous plan was Fennec6 now Fennec5; need to handle consolidated repos, buildbot0.8


  • Fx5
    • Re-verifying Fx5 bugs on Aurora builds before moving to Beta
    • Running smoketests and small set of BFTs before May 17th
  • Fx6
    • All features have a QA contact, test plans and test cases are being created via each feature wiki

Marketing & PR

  • Mobile Engagement + mobile initiative:
  • Mobile Beta channel inclusion on, Mozilla comms channels (Nightly/Beta goal for Q3: 5k, 30k repsectively (25k/150k EOY))
  • Mobile acquisition campaig(s) for Q2/Q3 brainstorming underway
  • Spark UX changes resulted in dramatic increase to traffic, EOL go live June 1
  • Localizing Android Market beta copy, beta visual branding being finalized

Feedback Summary

Issue SUMO Input Buglink
No Flash support New 121 Up 22 bug 630007
No copy/paste support New 5 Dn 4
Reformating text on zoom New 4 Dn

Firefox on other OS New 165 Dn
bug 654940
Problems with Marketplace New 34 -

Crash when copying URL
1 bug 641010



Summary below, full update here

Android 3.1 was launched. User features: resizable widgets, USB accessories support, Adobe Flash 10.2. Dev features: Open Accessory API, USB host API, Media Transfer Protocol, Real-Time Transport Protocol API.

The Android 3.1 browser updates: UI improvements, CSS 3D support, animations, CSS fixed positioning, save page locally, support for hardware accelerated plugins

New Android numbers: 100 million activated devices, 400,000 activations/day, 200,000 apps, 310 device models

Android strategy updates: support for launched devices to be 18 months, phone and tablet versions to be merged in Ice Cream Sandwhich, Android@home was presented, a project to bring the OS to household appliances.

The smartphone market has grown ~80% year over year in with 99.6 million units shipped in 1Q2011. Apple is about to become the biggest smartphone vendor with only 6 million shipped units behind Nokia, who is in the first place.

  • Devices:
    • Samsung Galaxy S II pre-ordered 3 million times.
    • Samsung Infuse (from AT&T)
    • HTC ChaCha and Salsa to be launched June 26th in the UK from Amazon
    • HTC Puccini
    • HTC Verdi
