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Revision as of 23:22, 18 May 2011 by Clooney (talk | contribs)
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Features Needed for Mobile Gaming

Games can be written as mobile web apps! A list of things we need in Fennec to enable that:

  • Touch events (FF7) bug 544614 - Landed
  • Fast WebGL (FF7)
  • Fast JavaScript
  • Allow drag touch events (i.e., we don't pan to the sidebars) - Landed
  • Web apps
  • Fullscreen mode?
    • We get this for free with web apps

Game On II: Mobile

Launch: Q4 2011
EOL: Q2 2012

Summary: Host a mobile game developer contest and award the top submissions.

  • Goal 1: Showcase Firefox as the platform to build fast, powerful and beautiful mobile web apps
    KPI: 30+ submssions, 10 of which are quality examples
  • Goal 2: Relay HTML5 capabilities to mobile users
    KPI: usage and sharing metrics
  • Goal 3: Host them in the Firefox App Store


We'd like to recycle the design and framework from the previous Labs - Game On site:

  • Requirement: Touch friendly site design for mobile viewing and gaming

Developer Incentives

  • Features app in Firefox App Store
  • Scholarship to thFirefox Forward mentorship program