QA/QMO/team pages

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Team Pages Template

This is a guidline to how all the teams pages should look. The idea is to streamline the information and standardize on one form in order to make it easy for new people to navigate the links and figure out what they are interested in.


What we do

This section is aimed to provide somebody with a general jist of what this team does and what they work on. It should give anyone new a general jist of what is going on.

This would include

  • Brief description of the teams responsiblities/relevant projects
  • Primary source links (documentation, ect.)
  • Wiki Links (General background)
  • Live links (Active Work)

How to get involved

This section should include concrete steps to get involved with a specific team. We are looking for links to easy to follow primary sources. Anything that takes too many clicks or is too complicated will not be read by users.

One guideline to think about is can somebody contribute something meaningful in a saturday afternoon?

Things this page should not inclue:

  • Handwaving
  • General Knowledge Links
    • Instructions to "read the wiki"
  • Find us on IRC
  • Email this person

Things this page should include:

  • Walk through of how to get started with a small chung of work
    • Step by step guide
      • This is a good style to follow (mozmill installation).
      • Needs to be thourough enough to be completed without consulting resources not linked to in the walk through.
    • Links to primary sources in MDC or in QMO documentation pages
  • Integration Mechanism (Next Steps)
    • Talk about how to get involved further
    • Refer people to the contact info
    • Link to badges so they can learn how they can move from "newbie" status to something higher.
    • Use QMO to track integration into the project

Upcoming Events

  • Relevant testdays
  • Community events

Contact Us

  • Mailing list
    • Ideally the page that show them how to join the mailing list
  • IRC
    • mibbit link to channel
    • Names of key people
  • Emails of key people
  • Team Wiki