Firefox:Options Window

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Revision as of 00:01, 2 January 2005 by Hixie (talk | contribs) (Some suggestions)
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Back to Firefox:Home Page

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | General                                | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Start --------------------------------+ |
| |          | | When starting Firefox open:            | |
| |          | | (*) Home Page:                         | |
| |          | |     [                                ] | |
| |          | |      ( Use Current ) ( Use Bkmrk... )  | |
| |          | | ( ) Blank Page                         | |
| |          | | ( ) Previous Session                   | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Default Browser ----------------------+ |
| |          | | [x] Firefox should check to see that it| |
| |          | |     is the d.b.           ( Check Now )| |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Connection ---------------------------+ |
| |          | | Set up Proxies for accessing the       | |
| |          | | Internet.   ( Connection Settings... ) | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          |                                            |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | Downloads                              | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Download Folder ----------------------+ |
| |          | | ( ) Ask me where to save every file    | |
| |          | | (*) Save all to: [ @ Desktop :^] [..]  | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Download Manager ---------------------+ |
| |          | | [x] Show DM window when a dl begins    | |
| |          | |    [ ] Close DM window when all dls    | |
| |          | |                                        | |
| |          | | Remove files from DM: [ Manually   :^] | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- File Type Actions --------------------+ |
| |          | | Firefox can automatically download or  | |
| |          | | open files of certain types.           | |
| |          | | ( Configure Actions... )               | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

| Automatically perform the associated Action  |
| with each of the following file types:       |
|                                              |
| +------------------------------------------+ |
| |      | Type               | Action       | |
| +------+--------------------+--------------+ |
| |@ MOV   QuickTime Movie      QuickTime    | |
| |@ WMV   Windows Media/Au...  Windows Me...| |
| |@ ASX   Windows Media/Au...  Windows Me...| |
| |@ MPG   MPEG file            Windows Me...| |
| |@ RAM   RealPlayer Prese...  RealPlayer   | |
| +------------------------------------------+ |
| +- Action ---------------------------------+ |
| | For: @ Windows Media Audio/Video         | |
| | automatically:                           | |
| | (*) Open them with the default appl.:    | |
| |      Windows Media Player                | | 
| | ( ) Open them with this appl.:           | |
| |      [                    ] ( Choose... )| |
| | ( ) Save to Disk                         | |
| |      (*) to default download folder      | |
| |      ( ) to this folder:                 | | << see note 1 below
| |          [                ] ( Browse... )| |    
| | ( ) Using a plugin                       | |
| +------------------------------------------+ |
|                        ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

Note 1: We should also have:
    ( ) Open as [ HTML v] using Firefox
                | Text  |
                | XML   |
                | Image |

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | Privacy                                | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | As you browse the web, blah blah, blah     |
| |          | Checked items are cleared when you press   |
| |          | Ctrl+Shift+C or visit Tools->Clear U.D.    |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | [x] Browsing History                (C)| |
| |          | | [ ] Saved Form information          (C)| |
| |          | | [ ] Saved Passwords              (V)   | |
| |          | | [ ] Download Manager History     (V)(C)| |
| |          | | [ ] Cookies                      (V)(C)| |
| |          | | [ ] Cache                        (V)(C)| |
| |          | | [ ] Site Options                       | | << What are these?
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Saved Passwords  ---------------------+ |
| |          | | Login info for web pages blah blah     | |
| |          | | [x] Remember Passwords                 | |
| |          | | ( Set MP ... ) ( Clear Saved )         | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

+- Cookies ---------------------------------------+
| Cookies are pieces of information stored by web |
| pages on your computer. They are used to        |
| remember login information and other data.      |
| [x] Allow sites to set Cookies    ( Exceptions )|
|     [ ] for the originating web site only       |
|     [ ] unless I have removed cookies set by the|
|         site                                    |
| Keep Cookies: [ until they expire:^]            |

+- Download Manager History ----------------------+
| The Download Manager keeps track of recently    |
| downloaded files.                               |
|                                                 |

+- Cache -----------------------------------------+
| Pages you view are stored in the cache for      |
| faster viewing later on.                        |
| Use up to: [ 50 ] MB of disk space for cache.   |

+- Saved Passwords -------------------------------+
| Firefox can remember login information for web  |
| pages so that you do not need to re-enter your  |
| login details every time you visit.             |
| [x] Remember Passwords ( Set Master Password...)|

+- Saved Form Information ------------------------+
| Information entered in web page forms and the   |
| Search Bar is saved to make filling out forms   |
| and searching faster.                           |
| [x] Save information I enter in web page forms  |
|     and the Search Bar.                         |

+- History ---------------------------------------+
| Remember visited pages for the last [ 9 ] days. |
|                                                 |
|                                                 |

| +-----------------+-----------------------+     |
| | Passwords Saved | Passwords Never Saved |     |
| |                 +---------------------------+ |
| | Firefox has saved login information for the | |
| | following sites:                            | |
| |                                             | |
| | Search: [                                 ] | |
| | +-----------------------------------------+ | |
| | | Site                | Username          | | |
| | |---------------------+-------------------| | |
| | |            ben               | | |
| | |            bengoodger        | | |
| | |                                         | | |
| | |                                         | | |
| | |                                         | | |
| | |                                         | | |
| | |                                         | | |
| | |                                         | | |
| | |                                         | | |
| | +-----------------------------------------+ | |
| |  ( Remove ) ( Remove All )         ( Show ) | |
| +---------------------------------------------+ |
|                                       ( Close ) |

| View and remove cookies that are stored on your |
| computer:                                       |
| Search: [                                     ] |
| +---------------------------------------------+ |
| | Cookies                                     | |
| |---------------------------------------------| |
| | v                                | |
| |    s_zzq_Rt_01                              | |
| |    s_zzq_Rt_02                              | |
| | v                               | |
| |    p122                                     | |
| |                                             | |
| |                                             | |
| +---------------------------------------------+ |
| +- Information -------------------------------+ |
| |     Name: s_zzq_Rt_01                       | |
| |  Content: ;rlkj;l4kj;lkj4l;kl3lk3333        | |
| |   Domain:                        | |
| |     Path: /                                 | |
| | Send For: Any type of connection            | |
| |  Expires: Monday, November 16, 2009 10:15PM | |
| +---------------------------------------------+ |
|  ( Remove Cookie ) ( Remove All Cookies )       |
|                                                 |
|                                       ( Close ) |

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | Web Content                            | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Scripting & Software Installation ----+ |
| |          | | [x] Block Popup Windows        ( A.S. )| |
| |          | | [x] Allow XPInstall            ( A.S. )| | << w/ better wording
| |          | | [x] Load Images                ( X    )| |
| |          | |     [ ] for the originating site only  | |
| |          | | [x] Enable Java                        | |
| |          | | [x] Enable JavaScript    ( Advanced...)| |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Fonts & Colors -----------------------+ |
| |          | | Default Font Size: [ 16px :^]          | | << see note 2 below
| |          | |                        ( Advanced... ) | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +- Languages ----------------------------+ |
| |          | | Select default languages and Character | |
| |          | | Encoding for web pages   ( Languages ) | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          |                                            |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

Note 2: See

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | Advanced                               | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +---------+------+--------+----------+     |
| |          | | General | Tabs | Update | Security |     |
| |          | |         +------------------------------+ |
| |          | |                                        | |
| |          | | +- Accessibility --------------------+ | |
| |          | | | [ ] Move system caret with focus/  | | | << see note 3 below
| |          | | |     selection changes              | | |
| |          | | | [ ] Begin finding when you begin   | | |
| |          | | |     typing                         | | |
| |          | | +------------------------------------+ | |
| |          | | +- Browsing -------------------------+ | |
| |          | | | [x] Resize large images to fit in  | | | << see note 4 below
| |          | | |     the browser window             | | |
| |          | | | [x] Use autoscrolling              | | |
| |          | | | [ ] Use smooth scrolling           | | |
| |          | | +------------------------------------+ | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

Note 3: "Move system caret with focus/selection changes" should be changed to "Place caret in Web pages so that text can be selected with the keyboard (F7)" or some such, IMHO. -Hixie

Note 4: The "Resize large images to fit in the browser window" pref should be dropped altogether with the browser just remembering the last state of clicking on the image to enable/disable it.

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | Advanced                               | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +---------+------+--------+----------+     |
| |          | | General | Tabs | Update | Security |     |
| |          | +---------+      +-----------------------+ |
| |          | | +- Open links from other apps in: ---+ | |
| |          | | | ( ) a new window                   | | |
| |          | | | (*) a new tab in the r. window     | | |
| |          | | | ( ) the most recent tab/window     | | |
| |          | | +------------------------------------+ | |
| |          | | [ ] Force links that open new windows  | |
| |          | |     to open in:                        | |
| |          | |     (*) the same tab/window as the link| |
| |          | |     ( ) a new tab                      | |
| |          | | [x] Hide the tab bar when only one     | |
| |          | | [ ] Select new tabs opened from links  | |
| |          | | [x] Warn when closing multiple tabs    | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | Advanced                               | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +---------+------+--------+----------+     |
| |          | | General | Tabs | Update | Security |     |
| |          | +----------------+        +--------------+ |
| |          | | Periodically check for updates to:     | |
| |          | |  [x] Firefox                           | |
| |          | |      [x] automatically download updates| | 
| |          | |          and: (*) install them         | |
| |          | |               ( ) prompt me when ready | |
| |          | |                   to install           | |
| |          | |      ( Check Now )                     | |
| |          | |                                        | |
| |          | |  [x] My Extensions and Themes          | |
| |          | |      ( Check Now )                     | |
| |          | |                                        | |
| |          | |                                        | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | Advanced                               | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | +---------+------+--------+----------+     |
| |          | | General | Tabs | Update | Security |     |
| |          | +-------------------------+          +---+ |
| |          | | +------------------------------------+ | |
| |          | | | [x] Use SSL 2.0 [x] Use SSL 3.0    | | |
| |          | | | [x] Use TLS 1.0                    | | | 
| |          | | +------------------------------------+ | |
| |          | | +- Certificates ---------------------+ | |
| |          | | | When a web site requires a cert:   | | |
| |          | | | (*) automatic ( ) ask every time   | | |
| |          | | |                                    | | |
| |          | | | ( View Certificates ) ( CRLs )     | | |
| |          | | | ( OSCP ) ( Security Devices )      | | |
| |          | | +------------------------------------+ | |
| |          | |                                        | |
| |          | |                                        | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |

| +----------+ +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          | | Places                                 | |
| |          | +----------------------------------------+ |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
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| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| |          |                                            |
| +----------+                                            |
|                                   ((  OK  )) ( Cancel ) |