QA/Browser Technologies/2011-06-30

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Revision as of 17:30, 1 July 2011 by Twalker (talk | contribs) (→‎Project Status)
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Discussion Items

  • Q3 Goals
    • Top level goals are nearly done. Please draft your individual goals this week
  • Services QA
    • Dev commanding client and server work this week, due to End of Quarter / Aurora Merge. Any feedback?
    • Services upcoming Features roadmap
    • July 18th Services workweek
  • Fennec Stuff
    • How is Mobile affected given the reorg?
      • discussion there will be overlap test approaches to Desktop work. How will we divvy up resources? Answer is unknown. No changes at this point.
    • Rotating release coverage
      • Fennec 6 - Kevin / Fennec 7 - Aaron
    • Device Anywhere Wiki (kevin, aaron)
      • Purpose, Accounts, Admin vs. User, best practices
    • Mobile Testday Resurgance? Brainstorm new ideas around Crowdsource Addon and DeviceAnywhere
      • discussion advertise where the users are in forums, beta places (eg. maemo forum, reddit, androidCentral, twitter, facebook, google+, linkedIn mobile forums)
      • talk to jaclyn about marketing strategy. Going to another forum
      • reward idea is tricky. come up with incentives to find and triage bugs
    • Litmus Component ownership
      • Sign up!
    • Fennec 5 Post mortem
      • Gather feedback
    • Fennec 6 - Aurora Verifications
      • Let's make sure we get them (Aaron)
    • Mobile QA workweek? (july 18th)

Project Status

  • Sync (Tracy)
    • client failed Instant Sync intervals testing on Monday. New builds passed QA today.
    • Python Server push to Prod also failed on Monday. Stage has been updated with fixes and is projected for another try for push to Production this evening.
  • Load Testing (Owen)
    • On hold until we address concerns about load testing methodology
  • Test pilot (tracy)
    • New Tabs study released
    • 1.2 passed QA and is waiting final review before push to public.
  • Identity (james)
  • Share (Aaron)
  • FF Home (Naoki)
  • Open Web Apps (tchung)
    • Working on a Test Strategy with webApps Team
    • they are experimenting with Mozmill now

Round Table
