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Popcorn.jpg Popcorn.js
Owner: David Humphrey, Brett Gaylor, Bobby Richter, Ben Moskowitz Updated: 2011-07-27
Mozilla's HTML5 media framework

About this project

Popcorn.js is an event framework for HTML5 media. Popcorn.js utilizes the native HTMLMediaElement properties, methods and events, normalizes them into an easy to learn API, and provides a plugin system for community contributed interactions.

Get involved now

We use Lighthouse for bug tracking. Sign up for an account to file a bug, or even better, fix one!

We have an active developer community on IRC at irc.mozilla.org/popcorn. Come say hello!

The current popcornjs code is available on Github. Jon Buckley is the project's release engineer. Active development occurs in jbuck/popcorn-js/.

We also have a mailing list, which currently hosts all discussion around the Web Made Movies project + Popcorn.


For a current list of bugs/tickets, visit https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/projects/63272-popcorn-js/overview

Roadmap listed below includes major, but not all, milestones. See above link for further detail.

0.7 Current Version

0.8 August 30th

We will ship Popcorn.js 0.8 on August 30th. This release will focus on potential API changes in the core, which means fixing things that use the core (e.g., plugins) with a view to shaking out any changes that need to happen to the core in order to support them.

0.9 week of September 26th

This release will signal an API freeze for the core, such that we can focus on documentation and testing in the lead-up to 1.0.

1.0 November 6th

  • 1.0 tickets https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/projects/63272/milestones/94435-10
  • Features for 1.0 Release
    • Modules: Modules differ from plugins, by adding functionality to the core of Popcorn.js that can be shared by other Popcorn.js plug-ins.
    • Envelope Module: Envelopes provide a control-point property control over time: such as reducing/fading the volume of a video while popcorn.js loads some audio commentary.
    • Transitions Plugin:Transitions use the Envelope Module to create classic transitions like, fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeThroughWhite etc.

We will ship Popcorn.js 1.0 in the first week of November, launching at the Mozilla Festival (Mozilla Festival — Media, Freedom and the Web London UK, November 4 - 6, 2011). This release will be focused on bug fixes, and end-user facing features like documentation, packaging, the web site, and other things needed in order to find, get, and use Popcorn.js.


Bug Tracker
IRC: irc.mozilla.org #popcorn


For a full list, see AUTHORS