MDN/Archives/Get involved/Doc Sprints/2011August

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This will be primarily a virtual (online) sprint, with no centralized in-person meet-up. You are encouraged to organize a local meet-up of doc sprinters in your area.


  • Start: 12 August, 14:00 UTC (7:00am US PT, 10:00am US ET, 16:00 CET)
  • End: 13 August, 23:59 UTC (5:00pm US PT, 8:00pm US ET, 2:00 14 April CET)

You are welcome to start earlier or continue later, but this time frame is when you are likely to find other people online working on MDN. Obviously, you do not have to participate the entire time; drop in when it's convenient, and sleep when you need to.

Here is a schedule for meetings in IRC during the sprint:

UTC CET US Pacific What
Fri 14:00 Fri 16:00 Fri 7:00 am Kick-off
Fri 20:00 Fri 22:00 Fri 1:00 pm status check
Sat 04:00 Sat 06:00 Fri 7:00 pm status check
Sat 10:00 Sat 12:00 Sat 3:00 am status check
Sat 16:00 Sat 18:00 Sat 9:00 am status check
Sat 23:59 Sun 02:00 Sat 5:00 pm final status and wrap-up


Some places to get ideas of things to write about:

Suggest a topic, either that you want to work on, or that you'd like to see done by someone.


If you're planning to participate, please add your name, IRC nickname and/or MDN user name, and what you'd like to work on, below (you need to create an account on this (spam-free) wiki in order to edit it):

Name IRC nick MDN ID Topic(s)
Janet Swisher jms jswisher TBD
Jonathan Wilsson McGurk McGurk TBD
Jeremie Patonnier Jeremie Jeremie Patonnier SVG \o/ (and more especially DOM SVG)
David Bruant davidbruant dbruant JavaScript
Christian Sonne cers FreakCERS Compatibility tables (ordering, caching, more)


If you'd like to organize a meet-up for doc sprinters in your area, please add it to the table below. Assume that all times are local to the location. You can meet for any subset of the doc sprint time window. (If there's no meet-up in your area, and you don't feel like organizing one, you are welcome to participate from wherever you are.)

City Organizer Location Time Links
Austin, Texas USA Janet Swisher Fair Bean Coffee, 2210 South 1st Street, 78704 Fri 1-4:30pm, Sat 1:30-5 pm Plancast, day 1, Plancast, day 2
Bordeaux, France David Bruant To be determined (most likely a café/salon de thé in the city) To be determined none