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just because it's on this page doesn't mean it's in Thunderbird 8

User Visible Changes to Thunderbird 8

Roland is compiling this page in order to compile a list of what has to be documented for Thunderbird 8


(numbered for convenience only, not in order)

  1. Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F conflict and cmd_find ambiguity, used for both Find in This Message and Quick Filter - [bug 564328] - new shortcuts are: Find in Message - CTRL + F, Search Messages window - CTRL + SHIFT + F, Find Next - CTRL + G, Find Previous - GTRL + SHIFT + G, Global search - CTRL + K, Quick Filter Bar - CTRL + SHIFT + K (unused prior to TB8)
  2. imap messages keep getting redownloaded if they incorrectly start with From instead of a : header bug 663671 - might land in TB 7 as well
  3. the widget for switching folder pane views is heavy and ugly and confusing to users[bug 667245] - July 28, 2011, patch checked in awaits TB8 landing
  4. Autoconfig wizard: Fix styling and order of buttons on Windows - [bug 667252] should land in TB 8 and possibly sooner
  5. New Account Wizard bad-input warnings are unreadable (gray-on-black) in Ubuntu 11.04 (e.g. "Please enter your name", "Double check this email address", "Username or password invalid") - [bug 671094] - should land in TB8 and possibly TB7 or 6
  6. TB5 hangs after "Do you wish to compact all local and offline folders to save disc space? - [GS], [also please see the compacthang tag in GS] possibly bug 673904 possibly bug 605511 which has a patch for review and possible landing in TB6 but more likely in TB7 or which has landed in TB 8, POSSIBLE WORKAROUND: compact manually option, reducing the size of folders, for unknown reasons, unchecking "Always ask..." doesn't always work, in this case force it off with the mail.purge.ask pref - full details in comment 18 of the bug

Thunderbird 7 and previous release regressions fixed in TB 8

  1. Cannot select address book if quick search widget is removed from toolbar - Error: gSearchInput is null ... abCommon.js Line: 588 - bug 532505 - landed in TB8, didn't make TB7


(in no order, numbered for convenience only)

  1. Thunderbird/Thunderbird7.0SupportIssuesThunderbird 7 Support Issues
  2. the above are great for Thunderbird changes, but open question: how do we track gecko changes that surface themselves to the user in Thunderbird?

See Also