Calendar:Status Meetings:2006-09-13

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Revision as of 08:38, 14 September 2006 by Mickey (talk | contribs) (meeting notes)
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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
  • Access Code
    • 3646989
  • Conference controls
    • *6 mute line
    • *7 unmute line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking



Agenda Items

lilmatt's birthday meeting

I'm 32 today. Yay me! Not-it for note taking!

0.3 Status

  • We need a UB capable tinderbox to build Mac Lightning to work with UB Thunderbird. We'll likely need to hand-build the xpi to get the PPC vs. x86 stuff all in the right places.

0.3 l10n status

  • Languages that look good
    • Canadian (ca)
    • Czech (cs)
    • German (de)
    • Basque (eu)
    • French (fr)
    • Irish (ga-IE)
    • Mongolian (mn)
    • Dutch (nl)
    • Polish (pl)
    • Russian (ru)
    • Slovenian (sl)
  • Languages with minor problems
    • Italian (it)
    • Swedish (sv-SE)
  • Trunk not in shape for
    • Spanish-Europe (es-ES)
    • Hungarian(hu)
    • Japanese (ja)
    • Portuguese-Brasil (pt-BR)
    • Slovakian (sk)
    • Turkish (tr)
    • mainland Chinese (zh-CN)
  • es-ES, es-AR and hu are confident to be finished at the end of September
  • mn and es-AR are not listed in mozilla/calendar/locales/all-locales (bug 352538).

0.3 xpi hosting

  • Do we want to host lightning on amo?
  • Do we want to host lightning-wcap on amo?
  • Do we want to host wcap-enabler on amo?
  • Who should be responsible person in the project for all amo matters?
  • Do we want to package all locales with lightning 0.3?
  • Do we want to package all architectures with lightning 0.3?

Meeting Notes

0.3 Status

  • dmose will finish bug triage today, 0.3 blocker list will be final.
  • the issue regarding the UB capable tinderbox to build Mac Lightning will be treated as any other bug. We did not agree on whether or not it should block the 0.3 release or not.

0.3 l10n status

  • Most languages are in a good shape, but this doesn't say anything regarding quality of the translation itself.
  • Italian and Swedish have minor problems, there are some files missing.
  • The rest of the languages have severe problems, but are believed to be ready for end of september. Depends on how much effort put into upcoming thunderbird release.
  • lilmatt will fix the es-AR issue.

0.3 xpi hosting

  • we all agreed that it would be beneficial to host the xpi on amo (free download statistics, easy for people to find lightning, helps to raise its visibilty).
  • we should push forward with this until we find reasons for not doing so.
  • lightning-wcap will also be hosted on amo.
  • we take off the old calendar extension and put lightning there. lilmatt will be taking care of this.
  • we want to setup a private mailing list in order to supply a support channel. dan will ask the mozilla IT guys for that.
  • we agreed tentatively that we want to package all locales with lightning 0.3. lilmatt will open a bug regarding this issue.
  • there was no decision made regarding packaging all architectures with lightning 0.3. main concerns were the additional download size. dan took the action item for deciding.