Labs/Meeting Minutes/Latest

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Status Update 2011-08-29


Betafarm is an effort to create a single home for Mozilla Innovation projects. It is a website that will promote projects from Mozilla Labs, the Mozilla Foundation, Mozilla Research as well as the larger Mozilla Community. Users of the website will be encouraged to get involved by being able to track Mozilla events and respond to challenges (specific calls to action \-\- see the Knight Mozilla News Partnership). The larger goal being explored is to create a social, engaging web experience for people interested in innovation at Mozilla.

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • Demo and Plugin directories for projects (Target: Oct 2011)

Done this Week

Next up

Want your help with...


Provide people with a fake email address to signup for sites, complete purchases, and other account creation activities where they are unsure or want to avoid using their real email address.

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • ./.

Done this Week

  • ./.

Next up

  • ./.

Want your help with...

  • ./.

Demo Party

Demoparty is an initiative to foster artful exploration of open web technologies, diving into the demoscene culture.

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • Announcement of the winners
  • Arranging / Sending out the prices

Done this Week

Next up

  • Calculating the Final Results (Still missing some Judges votes and currently can't access the online vote results)
  • Announcing the winners, in coordination with

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Experiment in private messaging between one or more people using encryption and allowing for federation. Focused on mobile first, with shorter on-the-go messaging, but the platform should allow for longer form messaging later.

The mobile target is similar to BlackBerry Messenger or iMessage, but using an encrypted/federated back-end and a web-technologies based "smart" client (eventually PhoneGap style, current targeting a Mobile Firefox add-on).

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • Real data flow, identity with crypto established.

Done this Week

  • jsctypes binding for djb nacl crypto implemented and working in firefox/jetpack (on linux)
  • indexeddb database abstraction works (passes tests). Has to live in a content page because of JS compartment implosions if you try and steal a copy.
  • addon data pipeline established, with a hidden frame holding the encryption, web sockets and indexdb work. A page worker bridges the UI in a browser window to that hidden frame. Use "about:dd" to see the UI.
  • Initial updated styling from Andy applied. Initial name collection and browserid assertion grabbed and simulated to data frame.
  • development UI created by stealing previous Thunderbird hometab work. Does almost nothing right now, but intended to allow driving/stressing/introspecting the backend in ways that having nothing to do with the desired mobile UI UX. Use "about:dddev" to see the UI.
  • hacked up logging UI created by reusing ArbPL/arbitrarypushlog UI for unit test output. Provides direct access to client daemon logs at "about:loggest".
  • 'define-server', 'run-server', 'nuke-server' commands hooked up and appear to work (accessed via cmdline shell script accessing rdservers/cmdline.js)

Next up

  • Build/bundle nacl crypto libraries for all supported firefox platforms, dynamically locate inside the XPI.
  • Have the UI do real identity creation with crypto keys, establish server connection to the identity.
  • Ability to add/connect people for messaging.
    • Need hacked up exposure of self-ident blobs so the client can populate a list of people to connect to. (Not the steady-state solution.)
    • Moda query population for requests needs to be finished/tested.
  • Messaging data via UI
    • Moda query population for conversation blurbs/in full needs to be finished/tested.

Want your help with...

  • n/a


Mozilla F1 is a simple and fast sharing service designed to enhance the sharing experience of the browser, Firefox, when sharing web sites.

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • xpi for all hands
  • prep demo for all hands

Done this Week

  • initial security review
  • planning around web activities and authorization apis
  • web activities api implementation in branch
  • more code cleanup and tests

Next up

  • implement login apis
  • oauth 2 desktop flow integrated into owa
  • ui fixes
  • look at integrating f1 into owa
  • ostatus/ implementation
  • app discovery ux

Want your help with...

  • ./.

Mozilla Marketplace

The Mozilla Marketplace is the place where people can go to install open web apps. Focus is on social discovery and other targeted recommendations.

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • Friends on Zamboni

Done this Week

Next up

  • "PAC" - Specs for Profile Server, Activity Server, and Contacts Server (for importing friends to MM, sharing apps and reviews, and sharing apptivity)
  • "Antelope" redesign (Mozilla Market look+feel for AMO+OWA)

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Explore how people search and discover content by analyzing user behavior and prototyping new interfaces.

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • Revise data collection to be more anonymizing

Done this Week

  • Packaged up initial data collection add-on
  • Iterated on data analysis on Ed's 300k history

Next up

  • Investigate encrypted larger data store supporting map-reduce
  • Evaluate data analysis algorithms on other data sets

Want your help with...


WebFWD is an accelerator program where we help and support teams with concrete product ideas to get to a minimum viable product (and further). The programs aim is to significantly increase our innovation throughput.

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • Ramping up teams
  • European press tour (September 12th - 24th)

Done this Week

  • The first teams are in! [1] & [2]
  • Teams set up, internal Yammer set up, Partners set up
  • Added AgileZen [3] and Media Temple as partners [4]
  • Meetings with Collaborative Fund, 2600Hz and others
  • Deeper integration into the Mozilla web universe [5] & [6]
  • P.S.: Both Fellows blogged about WebFWD [7] & [8]

Next up

  • Ramping up teams
  • Introduce teams to their respective mentors
  • Preparation for European press tour

Want your help with...

  • As per usual - help us spread the <3!


Labmates, a Mozilla Labs Concept Series channel - is a global community of research academics. It aims to engage with the world of academia - to identify, showcase and promote research that makes the web better!

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • Have initial projects populated via a form
  • Have project functionality live on the staging server

Done this Week

  • Input form for projects completed

Next up

  • Testing and approving updates to staging
  • Pushing changes live and creating the parent project

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Developer Challenges

The Developer Challenges platform is a experimental new initiative from Mozilla Labs — providing a series of coding challenges — under the Concept Series umbrella. Read more:

Next Major Milestone (Goal)

Done this Week

  • Initiated 1:1's to discuss possible challenges

Next up

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== Paladin ==

Paladin is an initiative by the Mozilla community at the intersection of 3D gaming, JavaScript framework and library development, and the browser. We're tied into the bits of the web that are up-and-coming, and intend to weaponize them for gaming. And where the web is missing critical gaming support, we aim to fill those gaps.

Three pieces are already spinning up: a framework written in JavaScript to support 3D gaming in HTML5, a first game to help drive development of that framework, and web joystick and mouse-lock APIs for Firefox. The framework currently offers 3D rendering via CubicVR, physics by ammo.js (a cross-compilation of Bullet), loading via require.js, and sound. More subsystems are likely to be up and running before too long.



Next Major Milestone (Goal)

  • Milestone 3 of engine/rescuefox: game is play-testable

Done this Week

  • coalesced basic upcoming demo plans around improved game concept
  • basic game shell with functional testing & skybox landed
  • CJ Cliffe did a ton of great grappling physics and asteroid work for the game play
  • iterated on project goals
  • humph signed up for working on Gecko Mouse Lock functionality with his students
  • started finding & tweaking key audio & video assets

Next up

  • get to a state of being play-testable this week:
    • get minimum viable models, textures, & background music in place
    • integrate minimum viable story, physics, controls working together

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