Labs/Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2011-09-06

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  • FlightDeck Updates
  • SDK 1.1 Status
  • Bugs Update
    • Wes: I'd like some API feedback on the patch in Bug 682631 from myk. If the API gets locked in, I can try converting the SDK modules to use the new async read soon after it lands.
      • If anyone knows how to search the SDK for modules that currently use the sync read method, that'd be handy!
    • Wes: Lots of bugs still in the 1.1 milestone... What's the plan for these?
      • Should we get them moved this week before the All Hands eats our time?
    • Wes: Would ejpbruel know offhand if his e10s prototype work would affect the documentation being added in bug 661423? In what ways?
  • Roundtable
    • Wes: Bug dashboard update
      • It can now filter by filed/modified dates.
      • If you put an email address in the textbox, dashboard will only show bugs that have some relationship to that email address (filed by, assigned to, patch from, request to/from, etc) will be listed.
        • Still need to get the list to show which of those relationships applies to the specific bugs...
        • This would speed up the request by narrowing the search, but I have to include all bugs because I can't filter the attachment/patch relationships in the initial request...
      • Page script now uses HTML5 history API to create/modify history entries for every time you do a new request. (Back/forward should redraw the chart/tables from the stored state!)
    • Jeff: Workshops update
      • On the schedule for All-hands, need to prioritize workshop content
      • 29/100 registrations for London!
      • Waiting on CHM for final date for MV workshop, looks like the 12th or 17th of Oct.
      • Hack Day event on Friday Sept 30 in London, looking for Judges. Anyone on the team interested in attending?

