Mobile Perf and Responsiveness

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Revision as of 17:04, 4 October 2011 by ErinL ancaster (talk | contribs)
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Big Picture

  • Provide customers with a mobile browser that exceeds customer expectations in terms of responsiveness by March 2012
  •  Be faster than native Android Browsers
  • Be faster and better than iOS Browsers

Testing & Benchmarking

  • Scale our current automated performance testing and benchmarking infrastructure so that it supports continued innovation and yields reliable data for engineering and quality assurance
  • Status: Currently focusing on the reliability of Unit and Talos testing; we will then move onto adding new tests such as RSS. Dates to track incremental progress again is forthcoming.
  • Create standards of testing, measurement, and analysis to provide a concrete view into how Fennec performs to complement the above benchmarks to be then leveraged for ongoing crowdsource testing:
  • Status: We have an "approved" matrix of test cases and metrics we will collect. Methodology for testing and analysis due on 10/4. Aaron Train is doing a QA test day on 10/7. We will iterate on this process and design a way to crowdsource this testing by the end of the year.


Click the above to see the mobile perf "feature" page that helped spark the conversation. This captures where we were a mere month ago and represents the baseline plan. In summary need to work on:

  • Land on what architecture we want to use: do we stay with dual architecture or do we move to a single, multi-threaded process?
  • Status: dougt is working on a build using the Java front-end for testing and evaluation by 10/7