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Revision as of 17:29, 4 October 2011 by Mounir.lamouri (talk | contribs) (syntax fixes)
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The proposed specification doesn't have a fully working implementation yet. Patches will appear in bug 678695.

Proposed API

There is a readonly mozSettings attribute in window.navigator that would return an object implementing the SettingsManager interface.

 interface SettingsManager
   // List of known settings.
   const DOMString FOOBAR = "foobar";
   // Setters. SettingsRequest.result is always null.
   SettingsRequest set(DOMString name, DOMString value);
   SettingsRequest set(DOMString name, long value);
   SettingsRequest set(DOMString name, long long value);
   SettingsRequest set(DOMString name, float value);
   // Getters. SettingsRequest.result will be of the requested type if the success event is sent.
   SettingsRequest getString(DOMString name);
   SettingsRequest getInt(DOMString name);
   SettingsRequest getLong(DOMString name);
   SettingsRequest getFloat(DOMString name);


  • SettingsRequest will be similar to SMSRequest described in WebSMS specification.
  • As for BatteryAPI, SettingsManager object might be in window.navigator, window.navigator.devices or even could be created with new.
  • The allowed types are restricted to the type we know we will be using in the first implementation. Those could be extended.
  • If a setting is unknown, it should fail.
  • But some platforms might not know some settings. Do we want to add a method that checks if the platform knows a specific setting?