QA/Browser Technologies/2011-10-06

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Discussion Items

  • Mobile
    • Dev's tracking features here?
    • Mobile Summit
    • Feels like a lot of test initiatives and dates happening (releases, mobile newsletter, performance testdays, sec reviews, features sign off). Lets use the Google BT calendar to track dates.
    • How is qa+/- working out?
    • Update on Crowdsource Addon (missed Goal)
    • Update on Litmus -> Case Conductor tests?
  • Services
  • Community Growth
    • Discuss actionable goals this quarter
  • Open Web Apps Update (david)

Project Status


Execution (kevin, aaron)

Automation (martijn, John)

Specialized (naoki)


Client (Tracy)

  • Server outage partially caused by Fx7 released with instant sync.
  • Production server outage this week forced client train QA to take place on stage.
  • Client train last week and this week focused on the new setup process for mobile and desktop.
    • Ability to pair a mobile device to a desktop before an account is setup.
    • Single screen account setup wizard for desktop.
  • Mozmill setup test cases will have to be adjusted to fit new setup process. I'll complete that rework this week.

Server (James)

Load Testing (Owen)

Test pilot (tracy)

BrowserID (james)

Pancake (Naoki)

Open Web Apps (David Clarke)

Round Table
