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Revision as of 14:00, 10 October 2006 by Beltzner (talk | contribs)
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Meeting Details

  • 11:00am PDT (18:00 UTC)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • join #bonecho for backchannel


  1. Bon Echo RC 2
    1. Post Mortem
  2. Bon Echo RC 3
    1. Status & Schedule
  3. Release Plans / Dependencies
  4. Schedule Checkup
  5. Any Other Business

Bon Echo RC 2

  • shipped on Friday Oct 6th at 1:45pm PDT (ahead of schedule!) thanks to solid efforts by QA after a late code freeze and an even later respin
  • updates pushed live to beta channel shortly after download page went live, users with previous versions are being redirected to the download page
  • of course, we got Dugg to the FTP again, beltzner to blog about this

Bon Echo RC 3

  • as announced in dev.planning there will be an RC 3
    • code freeze to be Tuesday, Oct 10th at 11:59pm PDT
  • all Firefox 2 / Gecko 1.8.1 blockers
    • please make yourself available to work on these late breaking bugs
    • also, please watch MozillaZine, blogs, IRC, etc and look for bugs that you can test, get STR and help evaluate risk and escalate show stopping issues

RC 3 QA Testing Plans

  • timr to fill us in

RC 3 Release Mechanics

  • same as with RC 2 ...
    • minor updates to release notes will be made on and announcements will be made on devnews, mozilla.announce and dev.planning
    • as we near release day, all-rc.html will be updated to carry a message with ETA on RC2, and then will be updated to point to RC2 when it's ready
    • updates will be pushed via update mechanism to all alpha, beta & RC users

Release Plans / Dependencies

  • several popular extensions still need to have their maxVer updated in the compatibility info files so that users migrating from 1.5 don't get warned about incompatible extensions

Any other business

Schedule Checkup

  • RC 3 Code Freeze: Tuesday, Oct 10th, 11:59pm
  • RC 3 Release Target: Tuesday, Oct 17th
  • All Project Dependencies: Tuesday, Oct 17th