Festival2011/Public Domain Megastore

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Time: Saturday 15:30-16:45 in Learning Lab: Rm 213!

With: Renata Avila (Creative Commons Guatemala), Jane Park (Creative Commons)

News photographers and videojournalists on assignment take hundreds if not thousands of pictures and footage. But when their work is published, only a very select amount is used. Let’s conservatively estimate 1 in 100 photos and hours of footage are actually used. A lot of waste occurs with this system. Lots of images, footage, captured moments never make it into the frontpage.

But what if there were a “megastore” for all the unused photos and footage? What if all the digital scraps, the thousands of unpublished photos and footage, were uploaded in a way that freed up storage space — fast and easily — from photographers’ cameras and video cameras and offered them incentives, such as equipment, discounts and promos, to donate the images online.

A condition of submission could be waiving the rights and getting the photos into the public domain for maximum reuse, using the CC0 public domain dedication. Or a default CC Attribution license, for maximize reuse with credit. We should even create incentives for the use of CC0, somehow recognize and/or reward those who dedicate their photos to the public domain.

Crowdsourced tagging could be explored, for example, with image captchas to unlock phones or play games. Sponsors and high-scoring photographers would be featured prominently. And the public would have access to professional quality images and footage from all over the world. We can start at the festival, inviting those willing to contribute with their own cameras, for example.

During the festival we would like to:

  • Iterate on the Warehouse process and create a lightweight prototype
  • Invite key stakeholders to test and help shape it
  • Invite media groups attending the festival to encourage the ecology of sharing among their teams and create incentives for their teams to share instead of deleting contents.

Skills Needed

If you're a developer, designer, journalist, photographer, graphic designer, filmmaker, or anyone else interested in developing a CC megastore for unused photos or footage, or a potential sponsor join us!

Post-Event Participation

Sponsors who like the idea can contribute with small gifts for journalist involved in our pilot project. * Media attending the festival can be part of our pilot project.


creativecommons, cc, PDmegastore, Sharing, Media, photograph, footage, content, incentives, community, reuse, commons

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Social Media

EtherPad for the session to take notes and collaborate