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P2PU is running three design challenges and one learning lab at the festival.

Science Fair

P2PU - Learn anything, with your peers.

Friday, Nov 4: 18:00 - 20:00
P2PU table at Science Fair
Format: Science Fair
People: John (with everyone)
  • People can sign up right there and then
  • Offer a few on-ramps to get involved right on the spot
  • Swag - Stickers, Shirts

Who should come?

  • Everyone

Learning Labs

Webmaking 101"

Saturday, Nov. 5: 10:00 - 11:30
Format: Learning Lab
Time: 80 min
People: John
  • Similar to Mashing Up the Open Web + Anatomy of a Request... work through the challenges.
  • Get started as a Webmaker - work through the Webmaking 101 challenges together and get badges
  • Face to Face testing of Webmaking 101 challenges
  • Request additional challenges to learn things you didn't get

Who should come?

  • People with no or few web development background
  • Who want to get started as Webmakers

Design Challenges

School of Webcraft: Developer Training

Saturday 14:00 - 17:00
Format: Challenge
Time: 3 hours
People: John, Chloe, Carla
  • Drill down on challenges for Webcraft
  • Get people to critique existing ones,
  • suggest new ones,
  • create challenges themselves
  • Review badges - create new ones - brainstorm which badges are most important

Four steps

1.Take a look at existing challenges and badges & give feedback
  • Are the challenges concrete? What is missing? What could be done better?
  • Do the badges reflect the skills a novice webmaker needs? What are other badges you can think of for both novice and more advanced webmaking skills?
2. Come up with ideas for new challenges and badges in groups (brainstorm which badges are most important, what new badges would make sense for webmaking?)
3. Author challenges and post to p2pu (in steps) - { if we have time }
4. Have others do the challenges and give feedback - { if we have time }

Who should come?

  • People with some web development background
  • people interested in webmaking, programmers, educators, designers

p2pu EtherPad for the session to take notes and collaborate

Craft Peer Learning Challenges

Sunday, Nov. 6: 10:00 - 13:00
Format: Challenge
Time: 3 hours
People: Chloe, Carla, Philipp

Join us in the wild and often outrageous process of combining concepts like “javascript” with actions such as “ranting” and items like “robot legs”, to come up with new ideas for a P2PU Challenge. Understand how P2PU challenges work and come up with new ones by playing a card game. What makes a good P2PU challenge? How do you build one in 10 steps? How do you embed assessments and badges in the learning experience? At the end of the session we will have a good insight of how P2PU challenges work as well as a great collection of ideas that we can implement inside and outside of p2pu.org. Bonus item: "How to make a challenge poster"

More details here: http://bit.ly/vKduDX EtherPad for the session to take notes and collaborate http://pad.p2pu.org/metachallenge

Designing a "School of Open" with P2PU & Creative Commons

Sunday 14:00 - 17:00, Section 604
Format: Challenge
Time: 3 hours
People: Jane Park (CC), John Britton (P2PU), Philipp Schmidt (P2PU)

P2PU and Creative Commons want to build a "School of Open" with you! In line with exciting work being done at P2PU's current schools -- the School of Webcraft, the School of Mathematical Futures, the School of Education, and the School of Social Innovation -- we will build a live, working prototype of the "School of Open" at http://p2pu.org/en/schools/school-of-open.

Come with ideas about what a general "School of Open" might entail, especially building on what the other schools already offer. We're going to brainstorm, create, test, and publish a prototype, including study groups and design challenges, on teaching and learning "openness". Productive session outcomes include:

  • mission and vision for the "School of Open"
  • list of required subjects to master in order to become an "expert" on openness,
  • a syllabus for an "Openness 101" course,
  • a complete case study on how openness has benefited a creator in a specific domain.

Other possible issues for us to tackle:

  • How does one become an expert in openness, ie. CC licenses? And how can that be vetted?
  • How do we even get people interested in a "School of Open" -- aka learning about the open web, open licenses, and open culture generally? (Incentives)
  • How can we best crowd-source stories of people and organizations using open tools?

Expect a live product that we can showcase to others at the end of the session!

See Wiki page with rough agenda and resources for the session: Festival2011/P2PU/School of Open

EtherPad for the session to take notes and collaborate