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QA Staff Meeting Notes Dec 07, 2011

Meeting Details

 # Every other Weds @ 1:30p Pacific Time - Mozilla HQ, Warp Core 
 # Vidyo:  (MAYBE)
 # Phone:  +1 650 903 0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 95312 (or #245) (US/INTL)
 #         +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 95312  (or #245) (US Toll Free)
 #         +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 95312 (or #245)(Canada)
 # IRC:    irc://

QA Org Items

  • New Hires
  • Upcoming Events
    • Alberto Savoia Tues 12/13/11 - Pretotyping: Make Sure you are building the right 'it' before you build it right
    • Socorro Testday - Friday Dec 9th - need moderators
  • PTOs
    • We need to get a sense of who is available during the holidays for possible issues with Firefox releases. Please be sure to fill the QA PTO calendar this week.

Discussion Items

  • Goals
    • Q4 Goals
      • Links
        • Community Goals:
        • General Goals: Q4 Goals
      • Need to get these complete in the next 2 weeks
      • What are the 'at risk' Org and Team goals at this point?
    • 2012 Q1 Goals
      • QA Q1 2012 Goals
      • I would like to have the org and team level goals defined before holiday break
      • Dependency on BHAGs
    • Bhags
      • Timeline
        • Team draft bhags and Q1 goals by Mon Dec 12.
        • Survey of Bhags sent Thurs Dec 15.
        • Survey closed Mon Dec 19.
        • Presentation of Bhags @ staff Dec 21.
        • Final post on 2012 QA Bhags Thurs Dec 22.

QA Team Updates

Desktop Firefox (Juan, Anthony)

Firefox 9 (test plan)
  • Bug fix verifications: QA+
    • 6 / 19 security fixes verified, 13 / 19 security fixes have had eyes on (tracking page)
    • 21 / 57 bug fixes verified
    • I will triage recent landings for QA+, so expect this query to grow slightly
    • Please continue to help if you have any free time using 9.0b5 candidates
  • Will be released on Dec 20th as manual update only, automatic updates turned on when we return from holidays
Silent Update

Browser Technologies (Tony)

  • Mobile
  • Sync Server (jbonacci/jrgm)
    • No deployment activity last week or this week
    • An Account Portal deployment is planned for the next couple of weeks (after the big push for BrowerID Prod is over).
    • Ongoing issues with PHX1 colo.
  • BrowserID (jbonacci/jrgm)
    • BrowserID Work Week this week
    • Train 14: Bug 703596 is out to Production
    • Train 15: Bug 707186 is in progress and due to be signed off today.
    • The build-out of Stage (QA) and Dev environments is mostly done. The build-out of Production is still in progress. The build-out of the Test/CI environment (for Dev nightlies and QA automation) is planned for later in December
    • REF:
  • Pancake (nhirata)

WebQA (Stephen)

  • AMO
    • completed switch from Selenium-RC to Selenium Webdriver
    • Build of tests against production is running
  • Affiliates
    • BrowserID
    • Apps developer preview will be pushed live tomorrow 12/08 once we get all the blockers fixed.
  • Flightdeck
  • Input
    • Dave Hunt's pull has firmly brought Webdriver to Input, pull/102
    • shipped 4.9 yesterday
  • MDN
    • This week's release is on hod until IT has time
  • Socorro
    • Soccorro workweek this week.
    • Socorro test day this Friday
  • SUMO
    • 11/29 release went out
    • 12/6 release going out 12/8 due to instability issues
    • 12/13 release being worked on
  • Mozillians
    • BrowserID

Community (Marcia)

  • Softvision meetup in Cluj today Dec 7!
  • Video Work
    • No current projects in progress ATM
  • (Al):
    • Vimeo linking is busted on Media. Craig Cook and I are investigating but we may be switching to a different Vimeo plugin. If we do, we'll need to add links to the page for new videos when we upload them to vimeo.
  • Community Exit Survey (ashughes):
    • draft sent around earlier this week
    • received a lot of great feedback so far
    • final revisions will be sent around later this week

QA Automation Service (Henrik, David)

  • General
    • Mozmill 1.5.7 has been released to fix resource issue (defunct process) on Mac
    • Selenium 2.15 will be released tomorrow

Project updates

Prototype of a Fennec Driver (DavidB)
  • RoboCop is being touched up and will be landed soon! Details in Bug 701076
New Members and Mentors Pages
CI system for On-Demand Testing (Geo, Dave Hunt)
  • Had a successful demo on 12/3
  • Currently getting docs together for a trial rollout in parallel to current system.
CI system for daily and l10n Firefox Builds (Henrik)
  • Project pages have been created and tests are ongoing which triggering mechanism to use
Selenium Grid (DavidB/DaveH)
  • WebQA is working with the currently released version. There appears to be no issues that we were seeing. Currently is still in a branch so we can easily switch.
Case Conductor
  • Work progressing on move to Django-to-DB
  • Working on dogfooding and testing current 0.7 release
  • In contact with Ubuntu QA. They are interested in Beta testing and using Case Conductor

OWA Update

Extension Work Week this week
Nov7th - Nov11th.

Soup Application has a new owner
Harald Kirschner


Notes, Takeaways and Action Items


Action Items

Last Meeting