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There are currently two Notification projects.

BrowserID Postal Notifications

BIPostal is a project to provide for semi-anonymous mail addresses for third party consumers of BrowerID.

See Services/Notifications/Bipostal for more information

Mozilla Push Notifications =

Mozilla Push Notifications is a project that aims to create a system that allows for notifications from clients (such as web applications or services) to be sent directly to the browsers of its users. A typical example where such a system could be useful is the eBay auctioning system. If a user makes a bid on an item, it would be convenient if that user could leave eBay and start browsing another web site, but still receive notifications if another user bids on that item, allowing them to act on the bid.

You probably want to go read the specification for more information.


Services/Notifications/Bipostal BrowserID email notification delivery.



  • Alex Amariutei
  • Shane da Silva
  • Toby Elliot
  • Philipp von Weitershausen



  • Push notifications from the cloud to the browser and other 3rd party clients (e.g. phones)
    • receive notification of new email, eBay auction ending, new FB message, etc. without the need to have the tab open
    • possibly client-to-client in the future, e.g. open this tab on my mobile phone, pull-sync, etc.
  • Messages are encrypted so that the service provider (Mozilla) does not get to read them (like Sync)
  • People should be able to run their own service (like Sync)
  • Must be super easy for web apps to implement (adoption!)


First prototype and research phase (End of Jan 2011)

Second prototype using AMQP (End of Mar 2011)

  • Develop system specification
    • Notifications client API (AMQP + REST)
    • Web app facing REST API
  • Second prototype
    • Client: (partially) implement AMQP client protocol for Firefox
    • Server: Set up RabbitMQ broker, implement client + web app facing agents
    • Assume users have Sync accounts
    • Encryption: inspired by Sync

Proof of concept (End of Apr 2011)


