Engagement/Developer Engagement/Events/JSConf2012

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JSConf US 2012

Mozilla is sponsoring JSConf US 2012.

Mozilla Attendance

Mozillians attending

Please add your name to this table if you are a Mozillian who is definitely attending JSConf and have a ticket.

For those attending we ask everyone to:

  • Blog, tweet and help share what happens at JSConf.
  • Help with the Mozilla table, if needed. If you are willing to do that, please indicate that, thanks!

Name What you work on at the Mozilla project How attending JSConf will help you further Mozilla's mission
Brendan Eich JavaScript, Boot to Gecko Speaking at JSConf
Tobias Schneider Shumway
James Burke requirejs, volo Find out more how people use modules, figure out what JS command line tooling would help web devs. Procured a ticket already.
James Long [1] Advocate open web apps, and discuss my list-to-javascript compiler and why Javascript is a good assembly for the web

Mozillians who wish to attend

We also have 13 tickets left. If you are a Mozillian interested in attending JSConf, please fill out the following table. You can also nominate someone else to go. Please let them know that you've nominated them so they can indicate whether they wish to attend.

If you attend:

  • Everyone will be asked to blog, tweet and help share what happens at JSConf.
  • We will also need some of the people going to help with the Mozilla table. If you are willing to do that, please indicate that, thanks!

Please add your name by February 28th. Stormy Peters will get back to you with who we are able to sponsor this year by March 9, 2012.

Name What you work on at the Mozilla project How attending JSConf will help you further Mozilla's mission Nominated by Can attend: Y/N (useful for those nominated by someone else)
Irakli Gozalishvili Lead developer, Jetpack Jeff Griffiths
Matt Claypotch Frontend WebDev, Marketplace Representing the WebDev team, evangelizing HTML5 apps, hugs Y
Christie Koehler Managing various projects in Webdev Help at Mozilla table, keep informed about latest JS tech, libraries, etc. that we should be using on Webdev projects Chris More Y
Joe Stagner Apps Developer Community Engagement Apps Specific Community Development Y
Jeff Balogh Services, Push Notifications Represent Services, evangelize Notifications and other new APIs, talk about moving from webdev to Firefox dev Y