MozCampLATAM2012/ProposedTalks/Ingenieria de releases

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  • Speaker:

Armen Zambrano Gasparnian (mozStaff)

  • Proposed Track (Engagement & Localization, Technology & Product, Community Building & Collaboration, or BoF):

Technology & Product

  • Summary:

We will be discussing what is involved to create releases for half a billion users in more than 80 languages all at the same time :D. Brief mention will be made about continuous integration in release engineering's setup.

  • Language in which the talk will be given:


  • Preferred Day of Talk:


  • Presentation Slides (to provide at a later point):
  • Ideal Audience Size:

Small to large.

  • Equipment Needs (Video projector already included):

Video projector

To Be Completed by the Audience

Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) here:

Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:

  • Reuben Morais
  • Marcelo Araldi