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Everyone who attends to it :)

Proposed Track:


I'm starting my course conclusion work, and it's theme will be inovation on education. It will be based on Hackasauru's project ( which is powered by Mozilla. This discussion purpose is to brainstorm about how can we teach children the hacker ethic and improve their critic sense and criativity using Hackasauru's tools and resources. Any experience report or idea is totally welcome! :)

Language in which the talk will be given:

English and Portuguese

Preferred Day of Talk:

No preference.

Presentation Slides (to provide at a later point):

Ideal Audience Size:

10 - 20

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included):

2 or 3 wireless microphones as it's gonna be a discussion, not a *one person* talk.

To Be Completed by the Audience

Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) here:

  • Mr. Araldi — I think that you picked a great theme. However I my question for you is if you know of similar works in the world in other areas? I ask like this because I think Mozilla knows hackasaurus a bit but the general direction Mozilla is not yet involved — is an attempt, of many possible, and I think it's a right direction. I recommend that meanwhile you could do a little of investigation beyond Mozilla, so we can use this value towards Mozilla. My 2 cents for now is [1] [2] [3]

Re: I'm searching more information about projects like Hackasaurus, but, I found two interesting links until now:

HackerTeen (Brazil):

It would be nice to have some other examples :)

Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:

  • Marcio Galli
  • Mauricio Araldi
  • Ricardo Pontes
  • Gabriela Montagu

2 cents From others to add to the discussion:

[1] Reality is Broken — Jane McGonigal ( book ) [2] Inventing on Principle — Bret Victor ( video ) [3] Jetpack for Learning materials ( Mozilla McArthur Foundation )