MozCampLATAM2012/ProposedTalks/Mozilla Coffee and Beer

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Speaker: digitalfredy (Fredy Pulido)

Proposed Track Community Building & Collaboration


English: Mozilla coffee and beer bring forward the creation of an encounter space, where all comunity menbers, futur members and interested people, bearing a beverage, share experiences, ideas and expectations, etc, strengthening the comunity from human perspective. This have been done in several countries with great success and in my speech,I would like to talk about its origins, list the existing experieces, and propose a new horizon according to the general theme proposed for the conference "Many voices, One Mozilla"

Español: Mozilla Coffee & Beer propone crear un espacio de encuentro presencial e informal en el cual los miembros de la comunidad, futuros miembros y otros interesados acompañados de una bebida comparten experiencias, ideas, expectativas ... permitiendo fortalecer la comunidad desde la perspectiva humana. Esto ha sido probado en varios paises con gran acogida y en la charla deseo hablar sobre el origen, nombrar algunas experiencias y proponer un horizonte de acuerdo con el tema general propuesto "Many Voices, One Mozilla"

Language in which the talk will be given: Spanish

Preferred Day of Talk: Is better saturday in the afternoon.

Presentation Slides (to provide at a later point):

Ideal Audience Size: I do not have any issues about.

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): I do not have any issues about.

To Be Completed by the Audience-

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  • Jairo Ruiz
  • Gloria Meneses
  • Marcelo Araldi
  • Arturo Martinez
  • Gabriela Montagu