Privacy/Reviews/KPI Backend

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Document Overview

Feature/Product: KPI Backend
Projected Feature Freeze Date: End of Q2
Product Champions: Austin King
Privacy Champions: TBD
Security Contact: TBD
Document State: new


Architectural Overview: TBD
Recommendation Meeting: TBD
Wrap-up Meeting: (if necessary)


In this section, the product's architecture is described. Any individual components or actors are identified, their "knowledge" or what data they store is identified, and data flow between components and external entities is described.

The main objective of this feature/product is: to allow the BrowserID product team to access how well changes to the service are meeting key performance indicators (KPI). UX will design a feature change, engineering will build it and a KPI Dashboard will give us the feedback of how successful the change is with real users.

KPI Backend is a per-requist for KPI Dashboard, which will be built next quarter and have it's own privacy review. KPI Backend stores the raw data described below.

Design Documents: Link to any design or architectural documents here.


Describe any major components in the system and how they interact. Also include any third-party APIs (those Mozilla does not control) and what type of data is sent or received via those APIs.

User Data Risk Minimization

In this section, the privacy champion will identify areas of user data risk and recommendations for minimizing the risk.

Alignment with Privacy Operating Principles

In this section, the privacy champion will identify how the feature lines up with Mozilla's privacy operating principles.

See Also: Privacy/Roadmap_2011#Operating_Principles:

Follow-up Tasks and tracking

What Who Bug Details