MozCampLATAM2012/ProposedTalks/Going Social

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Speaker(s): Shane Caraveo

Proposed Track (Technology & Product):


Imagine a world where a users favorite websites are integrated into their user agent, becoming a continuous part of their web experience. If that were your website, what more could you do? The apparent boundaries between Desktop and the Web, Browser and Content, are slowly fading away as new techniques and technologies make the web more capable. In Mozilla we’ve experimented with a number of ideas around creating closer ties between the web and your user agent. Some projects, such as Browser ID and Web Apps are already making their way into production. We also have a number of new projects still in early stages, such as our new Social API, Device/Web APIs built for Boot to Gecko (B2G), Web Activities and similar APIs such as Web Intents. These new APIs for the web will allow websites to do more with less while enhancing user experience, privacy and security. While I’ll touch briefly on most of these new APIs I'll primarily focus on showing the new Social APIs and Web Activities, and show how you can start to use and experiment with some of these new technologies.

Language in which the talk will be given: English

Preferred Day of Talk:

Presentation Slides (to provide at a later point):

Ideal Audience Size:

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included):

To Be Completed by the Audience-

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  • Marcelo Araldi
  • Guillermo Movia
  • Havi Hoffman
  • Kevin Dangoor
  • Vladan Djeric
  • Jorge López-Bachiller
  • Guillermo López
  • Hernán Rodríguez Colmeiro
  • Eduardo Urcullu