FirefoxSummit/2006/ProposedSessions/Firefox 2 Postmortem

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Session Title

Firefox 2 Postmortem

Session Leader

Mike Connor and likely Schrep


Review of the Firefox 2 development process good and bad


  • Quick review of requirements vs. end product
  • Problems with the plan and how we addressed that
  • Frustrations arising out of the process

Interested Attendees

  • Reed
  • Robert Sayre
  • Mic Berman
  • Asa Dotzler
  • Ryan Flint
  • Jay Goldman (Radiant Core)
  • Dria
  • dolske
  • Gavin
  • biesi (maybe)
  • Jeff Walden (want to attend, but will depend on schedule)
  • Axel Hecht
  • Peter van der Woude
  • Nick Thomas
  • Steve England
  • beltzner
  • Steven Garrity (if schedule allows)
  • Basil Hashem
  • dietrich
  • bsmedberg
  • Preed
  • Sherman
  • AJ Ligneau