Support/Weekly Meetings/Notes 2012-04-30

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Meeting Details

Mondays (meeting duration approx. 30 minutes) at:

  • 9:00 AM PST
  • 12:00 Noon EST
  • 16:00 UTC during summer
  • 18:00 CET
  • 11:00 CST

Phone call details:

  • California: 1-650-903-0800, x92 then 9309 then #,
  • Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - then 9309 then #
  • Skype (free): +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - then 9309 then #

Participate in the video:

  • Video link (You'll have to download and install the Vidyo Desktop client) #sumo <== Click the link to use web-based chat

Sumo Development Update

  • [Ricky] I am traveling to California today.
  • Good progress towards unified search results
  • Added "Days since last activity" to Karma dashbaord
  • No replies issue in /questions should be fixed
  • Email notifications delays are fixed for now
  • MozCamp LatAm
    • We need better L10n tools for article updates
    • La Armada Alucinante (Army of Awesome) can use some love (lots of contributors love it)
      • A mobile friendly version
      • A way to include English tweets along with native language (see Spanish and English tweets together, for example)
    • Rosana and Madalina probably have a longer list with more details
    • Rosana and Madalina are AWESOME :-)



  • Please add your comments, questions and updates here.

Just to remind everyone what the irc meeting will be next thursday in #sumomeet - satdav

was asked by my college can we get to redirect to sumo or setup to redirect to sumo site - satdav

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