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This module manages the installation of packages. It provides the level of abstraction between "NRPE should be installed" (include packages::nrpe) and the details of that installation, which will vary widely between linux, OSX, and Windows-based systems.

Most packages will have a dedicated module which abstracts the configuration of that package across operating systems -- for example, NRPE plugins may be installed in different directories on different operating systems.

"Installation" here is taken to mean getting the package installed, along with any supporting files (e.g., NRPE plugins).

tips for a successful patch review

Note that no other actions are appropriate for package modules. If it's not installing a package, it shouldn't be here. Classes in this module should be *extremely* boring and generic.


In general, package management resources get set up in the 'packagesetup' stage (see [ReleaseEngineering/PuppetAgain#Stages]), so that subsequent uses of the package manager can assume it is configured. This is done with an invocation of packages::setup from the toplevel::base class.


On CentOS, packages are installed with the yum provider, and the relevant repositories are added to yum in the packagesetup stage.


The packages::yumrepo class is used from packages::setup to install yum repositories. It takes

name of the repo
path to the repo on the repo server (starting with repos/yum)
(optional) puppet location of the gpg key for the repo
(required if $gpg_key given) gpg-pubkey package that appears when the key is installed (use 'rpm -q gpg-pubkey' to find this)


The following packages are available:

  • packages::ntp - installs the NTP daemon
  • packages::python - installs all available versions of python (below)
  • packages::python26 - Python-2.6 in /tools/python26, including devel headers
  • packages::python27 - Python-2.7 in /tools/python27, including devel headers
  • packages::mock - installs the Fedora mock tool
  • packages::mozilla-tools - un-abstracted class that will go away
  • packages::tooltool - install tooltool, a toolchain-downloading tool. This is a simple Python script that ends up at /tools/

Mozilla-Built Packages

In many cases, we want customized or patched packages. Those should be under packages::mozilla. Packages in this space have more requirements, since they are not simply pulling in a publicly available package:

  • each should be documented in detail here. Indicate what was changed, and why. This will help others to implement new platforms, or make upgrades.
  • equipment required to rebuild the package (e.g., .spec files) should be included in the same directory as the manifests, with the same filename prefix. If there are complications, include a README.
  • try to avoid building Mozilla packages except where necessary!


This is a customized build of Git without various GUI things and installed with a prefix of /tools/git, so that the git binary is at /tools/git/bin/git. The GUI utilities are not necessary on a buildslave, and pull in lots of unnecessary packages.